Login Rewards


I am just wondering, if I do not show up every day, will I not be able to recieve the reward?


they’ll be fine pretty sure msellers said that pets were like 70% of the income rotmg generated and slots / vaults were like 20



There are 2 different reward calendars. One is for non consecutive logins, the other one is for consecutive logins. The bigger one with the better rewards are for the non consecutive logins.


Well, we don’t want to get into the mechanics of “how items get duplicated” technical discussions, that is forbidden topic.

But it’s certain to say, if an item doesn’t exist, it can’t be duped.

So in the past all vault unlocks and new char slots were just directly purchased, and unlocked without an item. But now they introduced an item that can unlock them, the dupe potential goes from impossible, guaranteed 0% dupe-able, to… ??%, who knows if potentially dupe-able. So it could be giving fre iten to the “bad guys”.

Only speculation, ofc. Deca could have a simple method to look at purchase history on the account: If account has only “bought” (for gold or for free) 5 char slots, but account has more than 5 => suspicious = ban.

And Deca could have just decided that the higher playing activity the giveaway might generate is worth the risk of some dupemonkeys cheating themselves fre iten.


There are symbols for showing login rewards. You cannot claim the oryx stout, sadly, since it is for tomorrow, but that is March, so the oryx stout would be reset.



I hope I get some decent things!


read the new patch notes


Can someone get a screenshot of the the login calendar? Thanks.


check the patch notes


What I mean by impossible is tracking the amount of people that logged in at least 29 days of the month. It was easy for the Vault Unlocker as they just gave it to virtually all active players.


You’re joking right…?


https://www.realmeye.com/forum/t/patch-notes-27-7-x11-the-guildening/6419/24or click expand vvvvv




I don’t understand people on RotMG. First people complain about not being able to buy chests or character slots with fame and then Deca introduces a way to earn them for free. Hell you don’t even need to earn them. You can literally just log in go to daily quest, claim it, then leave again. Sure it takes patience but so does everything else in this damn game. Anyway, hypocrite complaints aside, I’m also unsure if the new feature is working today or is it being held off? I’m trying to claim my reward but it doesn’t show a check mark it just stays green. Anyone got an explanation? Also Trofimowen or Jheeze or anybody don’t even bother responding to this unless it’s to help explain the reward claiming explanation. I don’t have time for either of your annoying arguing on a page made specifically for the problem I have thus further explained.


I believe you don’t get character slots.


i think you do, I saw it on the calender


I sorry, I must’ve not seen because it was at the very bottom. My bad :open_mouth:


I’m happy I get another slot, but to be honest, giving out a character slot every month seems too easy. I would never have expected free character slots, period.


I agree with @Trofimowen on the fact that the char slots and vaults shouldn’t be item form, but I do think it’s a very good idea to give them out.


how do i acces the daily rewards?