(New Trap) Enchanted Powder Jelly Donut


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A sinister trap made by the residents of the Candyland Hunting Grounds. This sugary confection gets its tastes like an explosion of sweet glittery goodness!


Tier UT
MP Cost 90
On Equip +25 HP, +5 SPD
Effect(s) Spawns a Sugary Donut on Impact.
Throw Time 0.1 second
Effect(s) On self: Green Up Arrow Speedy for 4 seconds
On enemies: image Darkness for 2 Seconds
Duration 20 second(s)
Trigger Radius 2.5 tiles
Explosion Radius 5 tiles
XP Bonus 7%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 1000

Drops From:

More info:

This isn’t my first attempt at making this theme of trap, and looking back I kind of disliked how the first one came out so I’ll try having a go at it again. Most of how this trap came about is in the item description itself. Candyland residents were getting very frustrated at the constant amount of invaders and wanted to try doing something about it.

This trap is unique in two aspects: ability to be triggered by the player and inflicting darkness on enemies. The first part is mostly self-explanatory, this is mainly going to be used as a rushing tool so having the speedy would help with that.

On the main question: How would darkness affect enemies?

This is mainly designed to be a sort of ‘flashbang’ like system where the ‘aggro’ or player detection the enemy has would be cut down to 1/3rd of normal range, this helps the huntress rush as well as provide a certain niche to the party should they want to bypass a group of enemies. However to prevent abuse, it would ideally also provide enemies with a brief ‘immune to darkness’ period much like the stasis of the Mystic.

Let me know what you think of the ability in the comments or what you think about the idea in the poll! I’m generally open to suggestions and thoughts to edit this idea so about this so feel free to comment what you think about it!

Edit History

Major rework on the ability, it seemed super boring to play around so I decided to add an additional status effect (Darkness) for enemies as well as changed the lore to fit it.

What do you think about the idea?

  • The idea is great!
  • The idea is good.
  • The idea is okay.
  • The idea is bad.

0 voters


You’re on a roll with these topics, faster than light


Thanks! I used to do this wayyy back. I only recently went back to RotMG so the nostalgia and the general fun I have talking to people about these ideas are fueling me to make more XD


Very inspiring


Did a significant rework on the idea. Still kept its theme on how its balanced but it functions very differently now so I thought I might want to mention this.

Also looking into a ‘blinding’ quiver which functions the same but renders the enemy completely unable to detect players for the duration its inflicted. Essentially a more potent ‘darkness’.


Interesting! I wonder if changing enemy behavior would be considered too trollish or overpowered, however. Not all enemies simply stop shooting and wander around. Fun thought though


Mhm, this is mainly what I want to keep about it to make it different from something like stasis, stun, or to some extent daze. Both the quiver and trap would be very useful for bypassing enemies or rushing but players would also need to be wary of enemy behavior if they do not detect any players.


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