Realm Rework Biome UT ideas


The realm rework is looking clean so far, and I really appreciate that events won’t be the only things to drop UTs anymore. The item design is also really cool, whether it is really funky shot patterns, or complicated skills that change the way you play the game. I found it inspiring, so I created some of my own goofy biome whites. This post only features some melee items for now, but I may update it over time to include more item types, or as new biomes are revealed.

Disclaimer: Whether or not the realm would actually need them, or how balanced they are, isn’t what I was thinking about while making it. It’s more-so a creative exercise, and speculation about the future of RotMG items. I also do not have access to current RotMG item technology, and the presentation may be a bit scuffed at times, all mostly because RotMG Sandbox is out of date and hard to completely customize.

With all that said, the item ideas are as follows:

Pike (sword/flail)



“A spear with a long an thin shaft, perfect for out-spacing the enemy in combat. It’s a bit unwieldy, but it does the trick.”

6 shots, 6 tile range (~1 tiles true range)
Shots hit multiple targets
45% rate of fire
The first 2 shots are offset end-to-end behind the player, and the last 3 offset end-to-end in front of the player.
All the shaft projectiles deal 25-40 damage, and the spear point deals 95-135 damage.
100 Feedpower, 2% fame/xp bonus
Drops from enemies in the Plains biome in a cyan bag.
shaft1-export shaft2-export shaft3-export spearhead1-export

(can’t offset shots in sandbox, so this is as close as I can get to what I mean)


The pike is intended to drop extremely early on in the earlygame realm biomes. The DPS is comparable to T4/5 sword, which is solid for a completely fresh character, but quickly outgrown as you level up and collect better loot. I think some low level UTs that drop in the realm pretty commonly, can better convey to new players that UTs can drop in the realm itself. In other words, a pirate ring of realm UTs if that makes sense.

Vine-Covered Stone Shield (shield)


“A massive, extremely heavy shield. It’s ornately carved from stone. It was probably meant for a statue, though a shield is a shield nonetheless.”

On equip: +10 def, -6 spd
100 MP cost, 5 second cooldown
Shots pass over obstacles, and hit multiple targets.
On ability use:
Fires 3 shieldbash shots, and creates several vine projectiles following them over the next 1-2 seconds.
The shield 3 bash shots deal 305-385 damage and inflict Gold Five Pointed Star Stunned for 3 seconds.
The vine shots deal 1 damage and inflict Red Down Arrow Slowed for 2 seconds each.
250 Feedpower, 3% fame/xp bonus
Drops from enemies in the Ruins/Nature biome in a cyan bag.
tripvine-export tripvine2-export tripvineleaf1-export tripvineleaf2-export stonebash-export

(Shieldbash demo)

(Vine demo. Ideally they would gradually appear behind the shieldbash as it accelerates, and obviously look more vine-like, but Sandbox is pretty limited.)


A very solid option for earlygame knight, only this one does stuff completely differently than Snakeskin shield. It sacrifices some speed, low MP cost, and a short cooldown for some good range, some slowing utility, a good stun, and a bunch of defense. It has a ton of weaknesses that hold it back from being good for mid-endgame content, but it is still a neat option for early knight characters. Knight may not need buffs or more options, but I think the item design itself is pretty neat.

Old Sea Anchor (flail)


“The anchor of a ship that had been reclaimed by the abyss. Although rusted, it makes for a great chained weapon, assuming you’re strong enough of course. There are faint engravings, now rendered unreadable by erosion. U.B.? Maybe J.R…”

On equip: +9 atk, -6 dex, -3 spd
4 shots, ~5.5 tiles range (~1.5 tiles true range)
Shots hit multiple targets
15% rate of fire
The chain shots deal 190-230 and deal 50 Blood Drop Bleeding damage for 3 seconds each. The large anchor shot deals 800-950 damage.
1000 feedpower, 8% fame/xp bonus
drops from enemies in the aquatic abyss
anchorchain2-export anchorchain4-export anchorchain1-export anchorchain3-export giantanchor-export

(anchor demo)


Admittedly, I just found out that Barnacle Basher is actually an anchor flail as I was making this document. I thought it was just a barnacle flail, but the anchor idea does make a lot of sense there. This idea was meant to feel heavy like an actual anchor, and I think some of the flails don’t really give it that weight. I also think a bleeding flail would be really neat. This item was actually created some time ago, as a practice item to learn the more advanced mechanics of RotMG Sandbox.
The DPS of this item is really weird, as without any Dex, this thing takes AGES to fire. The payoff in damage is immense though, but good luck consistently landing all 3 chain shots for optimal bleed damage to make the item worthwhile. Requires more balancing, as a high-def item shouldn’t also be BIS for 0 def flail DPS.

Stormfrost (sword)


“A runic weapon, imbued with ice and thunder. It stockpiles energy over time, and releases it in the form of a shockwave. Are you worthy?”

1 shot, 5.6 tiles range
80% rate of fire
The axe shots deal 290-370 damage
Effect: On ability use, fires a ring of 12 shots that deal 200 armor-piercing damage and hitting multiple targets, inflicting Yellow Swirl Dazed for 3 seconds, and Red Down Arrow Slowed for 4 seconds on all hit enemy targets. The shots have a range of 3 tiles. 25 second cooldown. When this ability is activated, it consumes 50 MP. If you do not have 50 MP left after using your ability, it does not activate.
1100 feedpower, 8% fame/xp bonus
Drops from enemies in the Runic Tundra.

SF-big SFshockwave-big-export

(main shot demo)

(effect shot demo)


Obviously inspired by Stormbreaker from Marvel. It was also inspired by the runesmiths of dwarven fantasy, more specifically, the dwarves in Battle for Wesnoth. It’d be a shame to release a biome called “Runic Tundra”, and then never include any badass dwarven rune weapons. Rune tome is still dope af though.

Gilded Exoskeleton (helm)


“The remains of an enormous insect. It is a walking fortress, with skin of steel, and spines dripping with venom. The golden scarabs obey their new supreme leader.”

On equip: +10 def, +6 vit
90 MP cost, 0.5 second cooldown
Shots ignore defense, and hit multiple targets.
Effect: When hit, fires 1 big shot and 2 small shots at the attacker. The big shot deals 95 damage and has a range of ~3.5 tiles, and the small shots do 80 damage each and have a range of ~2.5 tiles.
2 modes
Plague Mode:
On ability use:
Grants party members Red Sword Berserk for 2.5 + ( [0.1(wis - 30) ] if wis ≥ 30 ) seconds, over an area of 4.5 + ( [0.1(wis - 30) ] if wis ≥ 30 ) tiles.
Summon 3 Golden Scarabs that rotate around the player. Each Golden Scarab has 200 HP, 50 Defense, and lasts for 6 seconds unless killed or re-summoned. Each scarab gives the player +5 DEX↑ DEX boost that stacks for 2 seconds every 2 seconds.

Famine Mode:
On ability use:
Grants party members Red Sword Berserk for 2.5 + ( [0.1(wis - 30) ] if wis ≥ 30 ) seconds, over an area of 4.5 + ( [0.1(wis - 30) ] if wis ≥ 30 ) tiles.
Summon 3 Golden Scarabs that follow the cursor. Each Golden Scarab has 200 HP, 50 Defense, and lasts for 6 seconds unless killed or re-summoned. Each scarab gives all enemies within a 3 tile radius Weak Icon Weak for 3 seconds, every second.
1200 feedpower, 8% fame/xp bonus
Would drop from enenmies in an endgame desert biome if that ever becomes a thing. This was made as a sort of prediction that a Desert biome would come to reworked realms in the future.
GildedNeedle-BIG GildedNeedle-SMALL BeetleFrend

(Needle counter-attack demo)


This began as an Anubis helm design, but found its own identity as I developed the sprite. If not the item design, the sprites are some of my favorite work for any RotMG fan project I have worked on thus far. It’s just really simple, really solid, and looks fantastic as a helm slot item on Endgame sets imo. It works incredibly well with Gladiator Guard and Majesty.

That’s all for now. The realm rework looks cool so far, and I’m excited to see it. This will be my last idea for a long while, but it’s been a fun and enlightening experience thus far. Thanks for reading.


i love the sprites and the weapons got unique shot patterns, its rlly cool


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