Sacred Beam Spell {UT Spell Idea}


this idea would be better suited for sorcerer… and maybe it could do expose?


I could see sorcerer, and maybe for exposed. The main problem with that is its already piercing and passing through obstacles.


considering it’s a light beam, I think it passing through obstacles is pushing it


Well the idea was kind of that its blasting out a beam of light and energy so powerful that nothing, not walls or creatures, can stop the beam.


seems kinda op… plus it has good stats, fame bonus, and feed. This would have to be an endgame item, and is too powerful for most seasonal item additions. The only place I could see this working would be if it dropped from image
and shot things like these lasers AI Alien Laser Shot
thinking on it after reading that it peirces players and obstacles, it could be implemented as a ufo drop themed item thing.

This would be too broken, however, and would need a damage reduction and/or a restriction as to what angles it could be shot at. Since the Alien Ufo quest shoots them with 90 degree arc gaps, but yours only shoots one beam, I think a preset 30 degree angle aiming limitation seems fine. Cool new ideas are always fun to see until some kid like me comes and ruins it for you, but please give me feedback because I risked getting a 0 on my econ final to write this :3


the sprite for the spell if you like my jank ufo idea could be one of these three shown parts of the ufo that shoot the lasers. image image image image


also… hmmmmmmmmm Shot-127IJV8p sus af



its fine don’t worry I did the calculations and even if I got a 0, I would still have an A- in the class due to some extra credit I did earlier this semester.

edit: I’m still in econ final right now though…


I kinda like the idea for the spell, but I thought the spell itself needed a better sprite for it, so I decided to create this sprite, hope you like it☆


Cool color scheme… though why it gotta be a S?


Good sprite. I agree with you that it could be better, but I tried to make it look like a scroll, and, well, you see how it turned out.


To stats add description because it couses confiusion


  • When Held: Rapidly fires beam of light to mouse direction

pretty original contept


That’s a good idea, and thanks, when thinking of new ideas for realm, I usually try to think outside of what that item usually does to get more original and diverse ideas.


Why not?



That’s exactly why not…




Spell sprite looks amazing. Concept is also great. I think having the beam stay aligned with the player would be possible in unity so I don’t see a problem there. I would love to see this implemented in-game. If it’s rapid-fire reduce damage by 50 to balance it.


imo sprite needs a little work, if ur trying to make a scroll then base it off the jade storm (don’t just replace the design on the spell) i like the concept, but stat bonuses seem op

drop location needs to be figured out


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