Sacred Beam Spell {UT Spell Idea}


Cool color scheme… though why it gotta be a S?


Good sprite. I agree with you that it could be better, but I tried to make it look like a scroll, and, well, you see how it turned out.


To stats add description because it couses confiusion


  • When Held: Rapidly fires beam of light to mouse direction

pretty original contept


That’s a good idea, and thanks, when thinking of new ideas for realm, I usually try to think outside of what that item usually does to get more original and diverse ideas.


Why not?



That’s exactly why not…




Spell sprite looks amazing. Concept is also great. I think having the beam stay aligned with the player would be possible in unity so I don’t see a problem there. I would love to see this implemented in-game. If it’s rapid-fire reduce damage by 50 to balance it.


imo sprite needs a little work, if ur trying to make a scroll then base it off the jade storm (don’t just replace the design on the spell) i like the concept, but stat bonuses seem op

drop location needs to be figured out


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Gotgot's Super-Duper-Sprite-Pile