Status Effect Depletion


But how would it look like when a certain group of people doing avatar and they will be a lot of effects?


The usefulness of knowing when certain status effects wear out loses a bit of usefulness when in a huge crowd like that, even if the blinking were to only apply to status effects that you’ve applied yourself, or negative status effects. That being said, the only situation I can envision this being some kind of visual bombardment is if a Mystic were to stasis a huge crowd of monsters, since every other status effect is some eensy icon.

While I’m here, I also want to express my gratefulness that so many months on, this thread is still gathering some positive reception from everyone! It’s the kind of thing that makes a man feel warm and fuzzy!

I would also like to express my _un_gratefulness that a thread I decided to make spontaneously in an afternoon became many times more successful than the Dapper Ideas thread, because I am secretly petty and vengeful.




Well in my opinion, the most value I would get out of this are these examples:

  • my speedy running out
  • boss’ invulnerability running out
  • oreo invuln running out
  • quiet and confuse running out

Otherwise, as a mystic player, I have memorized the timing for his abilities and stuff so that wouldn’t be as big a deal for me…




exactly. you probably haven’t even heard of this have you?


no I haven’t, but what point does that prove?


He’s explaining what Dappertron is referring to.


Bad addition

Don’t get me wrong, I love useless ideas because they’re fun, but this is rather disimprovement to gameplay;

This will basicaly ruin one part of skill-based gameplay, for example if you aren’t good with timing and predicting with rogue, well, someone more experienced is, and that’s the difference between more and less skilled players.


I actually think it will greatly help every player, and is a great idea! There is a reason it in best of the best, of course!


I am not hating this idea nor the poster nor people who support it;

The reason it is in best of the best is because many people liked it, but considering ~200 likes and ~40 positive comments without any solid reason why this idea is good is just sad…

You can notice that this idea works in some situations but in other situations it’s terribly bad and such addition to game isn’t valid.

I would support it if I was convinced it is good, but given what’s in post and huge amount of flaws no one cares about isn’t convincing enough. You are not helping an idea by saying it’s simply good without further observing it.


I’ve always liked praise, but constructive criticism is what I really look forward to. Maybe in your case it’s a little harsher, but hey, I’ll take it.

The Rogue’s invisibility is probably the most common critique in that regard, creating a crutch for players that makes the game less punishing, which is not what it needs. Knights are another source of trouble, lowering the skill floor for chain stunning by making it more clear when stuns are going to end. Nobody has mentioned Archers and their potential for chain paralyzing, either.

That’s the end of the list for a ‘huge amount of flaws’ as far as I can discern, since it’s only a crutch to those very few classes whose survival relies on avoiding enemy attacks with status effects (and I’m taking a huge leap with the Archer). There are plenty who rely on providing effects to other players, but if Depletion makes it easier for players to chain beneficial status effects together, then I would consider that an enormous success.

Of course, I may be missing something that makes Depletion a big liability in other regards. In the end, it would probably be netcode and spotty internet that turns it into something that won’t work as smoothly as it would in those gifs.


Heh, imagine this in made lab with confuse that icon would flicker so much :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah I definitely agree that confuse would be my favorite use of this


Great idea!




No, shatter was saying that it wouldn’t be helpful in labs because the darn purple guys inflict confuse for like a single second. All it’d do is blink a lot.


Oooooh. lol. But I’m still saying all confuse would be the best use for me cuz even though I know the right controls, I go the wrong direction for a split second when the confuse starts and ends.


ROTMG is a flash player game, so I would assume they use Java Script for most of it.


That’s awesome! How do people actually think of great ideas like this…