Taki no Ikari


Aurum made the sprite?

Aurum’s sprites are always pure gold.

I’ll see myself out.


Just have it oet stasis you while key held, simple fixes.


I feel like I’d almost never use it in that case, ninja needs that healing pet. But I don’t know, I’m not an item maker.


Check out my new status effect ideas which could actually work for this.


isn’t this SIlenced?


Silenced means you cant use your mana. While supressed means you can still use mana, it just wont regenerate back. I think.


silenced doesn’t allow you to use abilities, your MP still regens.


How did they manage to fuck up the code to only allow speedy? I’m legitimately curious, and would it be somehow possible to recode the shurikens so that it will allow any status effect?


I like everything about it, but why a maximum of 5 seconds when you hold down the key? You could just press and hold it down again…I would put a cooldown if it had a maximum time of the key being held.


I have no fucking clue how Kabam did that but I heard it from Toastrz and Id say hes a trustworthyy source of information. It would be possible to unfuck but it would require redoing a lot of the shurikens code entirely afaik.


20 mana per second, max divine heals 45 mana per second. Even if you don’t let go, you’re still gonna have perma atk increase. I also do not want to limit how many shots you can use per period, as the main jist of the entire item is dps and star damage. By adding a cooldown, it’ll just be a straight nerf.


i love takis


Bump <3


i love takis you like takis too?


I sure like takis. Now here’s a bump.


Golly gee, I sure do love takis.

Seriously, though, what if you increased the MP/second to 50/sec? It would still 5 seconds give or take with max mana and no pet, and it wouldn’t have this wonky cooldown


Thing is, it’ll be even more punishing on players with lesser pets if that were the case. It’s pretty hard to make unique shurikens, because you can’t give it something too good for a buff or people with better pets will be able to perma buff themselves, with no cooldowns in between. Make the mp cost too high, and it’ll be practically unusable for other players.


just make it also inflict pet stasis lel xd


And then make it so no player would use it for anything besides chests or whatever, because max divine peeps don’t want to sacrifice 90 Hp per second for +10 att


No. That’s out of the question. I’m trying to make this a dps shuriken that sacrifices the ninja’s signature speed to gain a huge dps boost. Pet stasis will simply make it unideal to use outside of scenarios such as chests.