The Frost Orb


Pulling one of my pet (adjective, not noun) ideas forward to the 3rd RotMG forum. Orbs have changed somewhat since this was created, but I still think it could be neat if modernized a bit. This is the original form for now.

Poor Mystics. They have the weakest attack power of all staff wielding classes. And lets face it: stasis is a troll ability. With very few exceptions it’s not all that useful to other players. It breaks up the pace of battle and messes up other people when that thing they were attacking suddenly and unexpectedly stops moving. And for how long? Well, that’s half the fun! Not. (yes, I said not.)

Lets fix that. Let’s give the Mystic an Orb they can finally be proud to use in the company of friends. One that can make a dramatic and maybe even vital difference in battle. Not just for themselves like that selfish Orb of Conflict, but for everyone with them as well.

I present to you: the Frost Orb.

Trapped within this eternally frozen sphere are the last known remnants of the primeval Frost Gigas.


  • Stun: 0.5 seconds
  • Paralyze: 1 second
  • Daze: 1.5 seconds
  • Slow: 2 seconds

Cost: 100 MP
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Stat Bonuses: +5 DEX
Fame Bonus: eleventy billion (ie, I don’t care)

The trick here is all four statuses are inflicted simultaneously. It literally freezes the enemy in it’s tracks, then over the course of a brief 2 seconds it “thaws” out. Every half second it regains an aspect of it’s mobility: first it can slowly attack again, next it can move a little bit, then shoot at full power, and finally move at full speed.

The unique thing here is it [I]doesn’t Stasis[/I]. The enemy is still vulnerable when frozen! It’s sole purpose is to give everyone attacking a brief window of opportunity to attack (or retreat) without completely stopping the battle and without making the enemy a sitting duck.

What say you?

New Orb: The Orb of the Frozen Curse
New Orb: The Orb of the Frozen Curse
Random Pieces of Equipment

Finally a orb idea that is original and fits the theme of ‘binding’ that should remain prevalent amongst all orb types.

All that’s left is where it should drop from, at which rate etc etc.


I’m all for this idea, what would it drop from? Esben? His minions? The Doritos in his chamber?


First off let me say that I love this idea for a new UT that is not just a straight upgrade or straight up garbage to its tiered counterparts, considering its been ages since we’ve seen one of those released (Doku too good vs. Masamune/Leaf Bow and Cutlass trash vs. other UTs and tiered items).

With that, I feel I have to disagree with the statement of stasis being simply a troll ability. While I’m sure this has been espoused countless times in game and on the Kabam forums, stasis is one of the most interesting, game changing, and satisfying abilities when used correctly. Removing certain status effects from boss fights (looking at you crystal ponies), allowing a team to regroup and refocus their efforts in end game content, and the pure power of a well executed mystic rush are among some of the greatest things in this game in my opinion.

Of course all utility abilities have taken a hit in regards to relevance since the implementation of pets and the prominence of cheats/hacks. I don’t feel that I need to go into detail about how much more of an impact abilities can have once (more likely if, but we can hope) DECA finds a solution to this issue.

Once again, let me say that this orb would be such a departure from the mechanics of the original tiered orbs that it surely has a place in the game; I just feel that you didn’t give credit to the usefulness of stasis. With that said, I realize that you stated this was written pre-rework and I have no idea of your personal experiences in game, when you stopped playing, if you still play, if you played mystic, etc., so I hope I don’t come off as arrogant or with an assumption that I’m omniscient.

TL:DR I love this idea for an UT orb. :100: :100: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:


I do like the idea of the Frost orb and think it would have a useful purpose to the game depending on cool down and MP usage.

The Mystic is one of my favorite classes. Properly used he is a powerhouse. When he is maxed and using the T6 Orb, curse (for everybody) and berserk for mystic are amazing. You will quickly learn how close you can use the orb to the gods giving them Curse but not Stasis.

When properly used I can keep the berserk going almost constantly. Yes, I have a good pet but even if it was just an average pet the curse/berserk can still be kept going to kill or greatly damage almost anything (use your MP pots). If you get into trouble then stasis can get you out of it. I almost never use the stasis unless I TP to godlands and meet a God wall, quick stasis allows me to regroup and live.

The ST orb gives you speedy which is great for rushing. Another thing, when you are rushing through a Wine Cellar its always nice to be behind a Mystic making the path safer.

Trolls like to stasis and that can’t be helped, we all wish they would go away but don’t blame the Mystic. My only advice here is don’t feed the trolls by complaining or threatening because that makes their day. Mark them ignored and find some other area where they aren’t.


I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek with that statement. I didn’t mean for that to throw the conversation off-topic. :frowning: Trolling is less a problem than it used to be, back when orbs were just straight up stasis and when people had no idea of how to strategically use the ability.


Glad you all like it so far. It was made to be unique yet still useful, open up a new and different play style (which is something all good UT’s should do, imho), and above all else it had to promote cooperative play.

Sadly I think the official word was this wouldn’t work, something about the server not liking to inflict so many status effects at the same time if I remember right.


Well don’t current orbs have up to 4 status effects?


In total, but not all on one target. Enemies get 2, you get up to 2.


I really like the “freeze” theme you came up with. What would the radius of effect be?


It’s been years since I made this and I can’t believe the radius was missing all this time. I’m tempted to make it larger, and maybe up the cost, but all other orbs use a 3 tile radius so I suppose this should be the same.


I’m not sure, but maybe the fact that you’re rendering the enemy useless while still being able to hit it is too strong and keeping the radius lower would make it more reasonable. Or you could make its mana cost super high and even raise the radius.


Perhaps instead of slowing the enemy for a small 2 seconds, considering you’d be giving your teammates a brief period to use some abilities or get damage in, you could give yourself a speed buff for 2 seconds, to maneuver into a spot you need to be in.


I’m trying to find use for this orb and honestly the only thing I see is group paralyze.

Half a second stun is close to meaningless in a battle environment, considering that if You have to stun something, then the screen is probably already filled with bullets and robe classes don’t do well with bullets.

Daze is nice, but it’s still a little too little. I mean who’s gonna make use of that 1,5s daze? Melees? Melees could probably already deal with the enemy, regardless of daze.

As for where it could be used… Shatters? I don’t really see it… Oryx Castle? Not much stuff to orb, whole thing is a rush anyways. Godlands? Mystic with Berserk would be more efficient, actual stasis would be a better safety choice.

Not that I’m trying to tank the idea, I really like the concept and theme. I’m just really struggling to find an environment where it could be used to it’s full potential (or any potential really). Do You have any ideas?


With shatters I can see it being used, due to the fact that the ice and fire mages are immune to stun and paralyse respectively, whilst susceptible to both, so I can see this as a defense mechanism for a group of 1 bajillion mobs whilst still being able to attack them, a group of these orbs would effectively render a group of mobs next to useless.


It’s a neat idea, but I agree with @RXAPL. It initially sounds good, maybe even overpowered, but nothing lasts long enough to be remotely useful. The stun goes away before it would ever accomplish anything on most monsters and would only briefly break the fire of an enemy that continuously fires like a MegaRototo. Paralyze for one second is also pretty meaningless. Paralyze is meant to give people an opportunity to attack while disregarding standard enemy behavior, so why wouldn’t I prefer an Archer who could keep the enemy pinned down significantly longer?

Daze might affect a single blast, but not much else. 1.5 seconds is still a very short amount of time. Slow is the only thing that make make a difference here, but in that case even a Necromancer could do better with the Skull of Esben. This is a novel idea and I’d like to see it reworked as you said, but as of now I can’t see the merit to it at all. I’d rather just Curse the enemy to kill them faster instead of wasting my time and MP with a grab bag of extremely short-lived status inflictions.


Make It More Like :
Stun: 2 seconds
Paralyze: 4 second
+3~4 Dex
MP Cost : 110

Because Why You Need Slowed,While You Alredy Have Paralyze?And I Think 0.5-1 sec. its Litteraly Nothing…Even Oreo are for 3 Seconds…I Think This Idea Is a Bit More Balanced…What Do You Think?


You know what the stun would be fabulous for though?

Very quickly stacking stone priest shots and fucking up a shatters in a few seconds!

create stacked shots, slow third boss


Ah, don’t you just love ideas that aren’t straight upgrades from the tiered ones/ basically a reskin of another UT. Great idea! I could definitely see this being used as well, balanced :slight_smile:


Knight Have 3 sec stun :stuck_out_tongue: