The Ring of Dusk


The Ring of Dusk

New Piskel(23)
Which Design is Better? 1 or 2
New Piskel(24)
A Ring worn by the ninja of the stars controlling dusk,dawn,twilight,sunrise and sunset but out of all of those dusk was the most powerful of all times and was converted by the Grand Sorcerer from a time into a ring.


  • Tier: UT
  • Stats: +7 ATT +5 SPD +60 MP +2 DEF
  • Fame Bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 900

Drops From:

  • Golden Oryx Effigy

More info

It started out with a star that was made to become a UT star to go with the Ray Katana so i said why not just make a UT ninja set that is supposed to go with the Ray Katana. There isn’t really much else to say about this ring.

Does the Cave of a Thousand tresures need a whitebag drop?

I personally think 2nd design is better. This also seems like a cool ring.
Just to make it easier

  • 1st design
  • 2nd design

0 voters

Maybe lower the attack a bit


Interesting ring. Too op to drop from golden oryx effigy


why’d ya have to leave :cry: he have an actual guild now.


The stats are…eh, okay. The sprite is simply AWESOME. IMO, the 2nd sprite is better because the bluish part reminds me of a dark sky. But the 1st is fine too.

Yes, I agree.


not really too op but i might just decrease the MP buff or increase it by 10 and take out the def.


Way too op in offensive stats . +7 ATT is more than Bracer also +2DEF is worse bracer making it Half Bracer ring , also imagine using it at Wizard , Spellbomb from 60MP = another gigantic dmg , 5SPD just ok , 2DEF make him less squishy and 7 ATT just blow everything . Using it with Toga Picta makes wizard killing machine so +7 Att is too op for me.


yes but your view is being good on wizard and mostly wizard this is more or less designed for the ray katana and the star of the sunset remember that this is apart of a ninja UT set here.


A few notes

class specific

Ooh no me, what does this do to the lore

This messes with the lore so much it hurts

Otherwise I like the second ring, though it looks way too regal to be dropping from such an easy dungeon to run. You could counteract this by saying it’s very hard to find the dungeon, but… yeah!


The ring itself is not too op. My problem is that it drops from the golden oryx effigy, a insanely easy boss


Buff Golden oryx?


No… Golden Oryx has it’s purpose. It’s not supposed to be a endgame thing. It is supposed to be a early game/mid game dungeons that has a chance to drop pots (and possibly a guranteed def from teasure chests)


Ttreasure so rare


I like this idea because Oryx effigy doesn’t drop anything.


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