The Samurai by JohnMH


Three cheers for TannerLG!


Poor Squidward. I mean Tanner. Shit.


For the 16x16 is it possible for others to participate in possible submissions for the idea of a skin for this ST set? If so, I’d love to have some of the hex codes for the colors used so it is as accurate as possible.


Oh, sure! Though, I’d only be able to give RGB, since Paint doesn’t have hexadecimal.

I’ll put them here when I’m not about to do stuff in class.


Alright sweet, this class is overall a great idea and saying that DECA’s plans are to release a new class around next motmg it’d be amazing to make this idea even more insanely thought out by the time they come around to planning so it has a higher chance of being released into the game.


I mean, I thought it was extremely thought out already myself. Only thing I could imagine to make it even more thought out would be to give it a ton more skins, give examples of how the ability would work through GIFs, getting the 16x16 skin done, and… I can’t think of anything else.


Yeah not much else to really add overall currently, but who knows what might come to the mind if you continue to the think of the project instead of drifting off into other items, leaving this one behind. I didn’t mean for that comment to come out as trying to say that this is not thought out, it’s actually a incredibly thought out project and is probably one of the most (IF NOT THE MOST) detailed class submissions I’ve seen so far. Just trying to say there can always be more added to it while you still have time to do so. Who knows maybe some ingenious idea might some how pop into your head at any moment giving you an even greater idea but potentially causing you to rework certain things ENTIRELY! but that’s not that likely to happen :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Rudolph the Berzerk
Is it just me or does the sprite kind of look like this warrior skin


If it does, then I had no intention of making it that way. I was getting the details based on the Shogun for this based on this picture:


It’s also where I got the idea for the abilities.


Probably due to the color scheme (of the torso and legs) and the horn like objects above the helmet of the samurai, it’s just natural headgear that a samurai at that time was said to wear.


This is quite the weird idea but what if there was a UT for this class that dropped from pentaract, I have no idea what this could do but the shields could kinda look like the minions that it spawns and the overall item could be like the rest but with some sort of eye in the center, it’s a very vague idea but I’m really just trying to spit some out.


Eh, sure. I like the concept.


I don’t feel like adding two different event whites to one event would be a good idea, but I can see the concept as being usable in a bunch of different areas.


I have no idea why I created this, but… here it is.


The post has been updated with these changes:

  1. All shields outside of Mechanical Generator, the ST Headpiece, and Mark of the Warlord have had their Shield count reduced by 1. (@Harryvvvv might like this one.)
  2. The ST Headpiece’s shield stance has been reduced from 2.5 to 2.
  3. Explanations for how shields move and how they spawn have been added to the post.


So, I had second thoughts on this being the final product. Instead, I’m going to outright make a new thread in #ideas:wip where suggestions can be made overall, and I’ll leave a link here that leads to that thread once I’ve made it.

Here it is.


Came up with better item description for Kami no Yoroi.

“Where there was hesitation, there is now only purpose. Where there was sin, there is now only righteousness. This armor is my pure heart.”

Edit: Could be used for any item, really, with some editing.


Think you’ll implement it, John?


Sure did.


TYSM! :heart: