Trivial Issues Thread


9 posts were split to a new topic: Memento Mori ignores 400 def instead of all defense
(how the skull functionally works ignoring DEF is more than trivial)


10 posts were merged into an existing topic: The General Chat Thread
(complaints about barrel kickers in Parasite Chambers)


If you look closely theres a nearly vertical line to the right of the player, due to the screen rotation.
At any other angle there is no line


I think that’s because you’ve stretched your screen. if you play at the normal resolution you won’t see it anymore


I tried playing like that but I kept clicking the top bar and dragging the window around my screen by accident.
When you do that it makes your character run in the same direction you were holding, leading to a lot of deaths and a lot of rls yelling at me for dragging in LH XD


A post was split to a new topic: Claiming calendar kicks me off the server
(the login calendar functionally not working is more than Trivial Issues)


Two typos on the new Fungal UT items (item screenshots from the patch notes):

image image

…and don’t know about ‘DPS’ as a piece of info on the Sporous Spray? Other placement items simply list their total damage and let us do the DPS calculation ourselves, don’t they? (Honey Trap, Reef Poison).


Quite peculiar that they chose to keep that, even after testing.
From what I’ve gathered from a video, the spell deals 480 damage AP (but shown in red) per mushroom - with three mushrooms spawned every part of a second or so.


Caught another one!
Edit: if only these worked like pets where you’re gifted a free one for contributing ha ha. :stuck_out_tongue:



shouldn’t there be something after the “respect”? seems like an incomplete thought.
you can also get rid of the “to”


huh, i thought the ‘to’ wasn’t there. i’ve seen that quote tons of times and haven’t noticed


Grammatically it’s fine.

Mmmm, no. Removing the ‘to’ would change the meaning from implying learning through force (in this context) to implying learning by example.


Teach you to respect what? XD


The to respect is being used as a verb. It is grammatically correct and the “to respect” means that to respect everything.




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How old of an issue must that be at this point? Like, Red Demons are a pretty old part of the game.




I… uh… don’t get it ?


the pet yard panel shows progress to next level and the other one shows progress to max level. still kinda dumb to have them look the same.