Trivial Issues Thread


But @IBurnYou said that it would fix the broken pet tab, which it didn’t. I used my ability to prove that my sphinx was equipped, but the tab doesn’t show (as mentioned by ProWinner).



Am I literally blind, or I can’t see it?


No, I’m dumb. Please ignore. I can’t tell the difference between pet tab and backpack tab.


It’s something small but it can be fixed by going into pet yard, following another pet, then re-following your default pet.


I did put a tentative IIRC there, I guess I did not remember correctly.
Now that I thought about it a bit more, that might have been the fix for the backpack showing up behind the pet tab after using a backpack. I like to use B B to switch to my backpack, so it bothered me.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Classic Ninja Skin not available

Classic Ninja Skin not available [fixed in X.18.0]

One of Guill’s Quotes about the Deadwater Docks:

I can confirm, this is false, regular pirate rum CAN drop in the Deadwater Docks, I just obtained it there.


Saaaame. This has been irritating me for some time now.


Agate has 0 shots apparently


I’m good at procrastinating, here’s a little gif.

In the gif, I’m double-clicking trying to equip the dblade. And yes, it’s isolated to Sprite Worlds for me, everywhere else in the realm works fine.

It appears to happen when I’m standing on a moving tile and going fast.


Maybe it has 0,9999999999


I knew someone was gonna say that >:((((


Item 0x235D: Geb’s Ring of Wisdom:
One rogue apostrophe has been recently fixed but there’s a second.

“It is said that wearing this ring for wismod purposes attunes its wearer to rogue apostrophes.”

Edit: this has been fixed in the latest update.


Well the Leprechaun is back, so don’t forget this little trick! :smiley:


:+1: Although you should be in Janus mode for Encore chance this weekend :stuck_out_tongue:


Already am for my Archer ppe ( Btw lel xd )


Typo alert! Should be Harbringer not Harbinger.


9 posts were split to a new topic: Unban Starlias please

Unban Starlias please
Unban Starlias please



Oh, my bad.