Trivial Issues Thread


This one might be more serious than minor. I’d have thought it’d be posted elsewhere as a bug, but apparently not.

Yes - tome, seal, helm, tiered cloak - all of these should activate regardless of where the cursor is.

I think it’s just coded that all ability usage checks for cursor location, because many of them do require coordinates to target on, so just easier to code all abilities the same. With the recent plane/prism abuse cheat, there might be reworking going on behind the scenes by Deca, but idk.


it’s how flash knows it’s your active window… the farthest you can go off screen i figure is when your cursor is almost directly in center of the minimap on your off-centered window.


The defense potion dropped from the Beer God is now in the dark blue bag section praise the lords


No, the farthest you can go off-screen is about 1 tile from your normally rendered area.

So that’s about on the green line, it varies between about 0 and 50 pixels (0 and 1 in-game tile) though.


this is the furthest you can see normally

this is what you can see with “show everything” and changeing the size of the window


That’s offensive.

I’m not mad tho, people on the internet call other people on the internet retarded all the time, you just lost some respect from me is all. My post on this thread wasn’t born from anger at all, rather from wanting to spread the correct information.

That’s not the middle, that’s a third at most.

You’re welcome.

That’s what I meant.


i remember doing that a long time ago

never gonna play like that

maybe @NeonEnigma would if they can click on the exa mp and use ability


Wait Mynam, does toggling off-center affect which tiles are rendered?

Because in that second screen shot, the tile distribution is not even around the character, if it was centered would it be? (equal rendered tiles in all directions)




This has been around for a pretty long time. I think it has to do with how the game thinks the character looks like. If the character is within detect range in your list, but not on-screen, it will show the default skin instead of any skin the player might actually be using.
Pretty sure going into a portal, then coming out with them in vision range might fix this…


Stop commenting on the thread if you’re just going to keep having a personal conversation with that dude about who takes offense to what. It’s incredibly annoying.


2/5 of those people are banned, 1 of them has the role “Veteran Shitposter” on discord, 1 has a blank image as a profile picture. Do you trust these people to stay perfectly ontopic?


That is one occasional off topic post, you’re literally derailing this thread.

On a side note, just because others do something bad, doesn’t make that thing good.


To prevent further spam I’ll try to move our conversation to a private thread started by a flag notification. (The normal realmeye PMs aren’t as user-friendly/don’t allow for as much customization.)

Maybe I should ask a mod to move our banter there, idk. I wouldn’t mind if they did.

Maybe I should make a post in the whine cellar instead, because I kinda do want it to be available for anyone to see. The problem is that the thread would close if he didn’t respond in something like 13 hours. (He did misportray me in ways I would like to set right.)

If anyone wants to see the argument, I’d be happy to indulge by sending you an invite.

Yes, it does.

That’s what I did.

But I already did!

Post a Picture of Yourself Thread

This happens sometimes. (This happened after clicking play, it tried to load tutorial, then asked to register, I declined and it went to the character select screen like this.)

(appspot link with manually resized window)

I then clicked play again and this happened:


this thread in of itself is now a trivial issue


quite a bit of enemies lose their HP bar at times when they become invulnerable, invis, etc. really annoying actually


won’t happen again thanks to the update


The snake pit troom boss never has an HP bar.


or skuld for that matter,