UT Assassin Poison (Bloody Sunrise Liquor UT)


Bloody Sunrise Liquor


A glistening alcoholic beverage brewed from Oryx and the Beer god providing a source of adrenaline and numbness with each sip.


  • Tier: UT
  • shots: 4
  • MP Cost: 115 MP (2.826 damage/MP)
  • Damage: 325
  • Duration: 5 seconds (65 Damage/sec)
  • Radius: 3
  • Cool Down: 4 seconds
  • Effect: speed on self for 3.5 seconds, drunk on self for 2 seconds, slow on enemies for 2.5 seconds
  • Stat Bonus: +6 ATT +4 VIT -4 DEX
  • Fame Bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 750

Drops From:


  • MP cost originally 95 (3.095 damage/MP).
  • Speedy originally 5 seconds. slow originally 8 seconds.
  • Radius originally 1.25 tiles
  • Added 4 second cool down
  • Original Sprite:
  • Drunk on self originally 3 seconds.

More info

I figured id attempt to tie in the Beer God and Oryx somehow… since both have an affinity for liquor the idea of an assassin “poison” came to mind. I also figured since all dagger classes such as Trickster and Rouge can rush, maybe giving the assassin a chance to put its enormous amount of speed to use would be a good idea. I also used this liqour called Cocoroco to help with the idea.

The poison also works in a specific way similar to Bile of Oryx and how it leaves a trail of slime, except with this poison it does AOE damage on every other tile.


I attmepted to tie Oryx and Beer God together, Poison has similar mechanic to Bile of Oryx, The Sprite and name are subject to change.


8 second slow?


The more I looked at it the more I kinda felt like it should be between 3-4 seconds


A poison with such a long slow is almost basically a superior trap, not to mention the speedy given on the user. Drunk can be annoying but it’s honestly only a visual problem, which doesn’t really affect the character. You’d want to either remove one of the buffs (aka make it either a rushing poison or huntress trap) or up the MP cost by a lot. The times on the slow and speedy also are a bit high. Something like 3 second speedy or 3-4 second slow. If you’re gonna stick with the slow, then a cool down would make this more fair. I think the radius should be buffed though? 1.25 is far too low.

just my opinion :sweat_smile:


Thanks hec ton, I just recently started making these so i appreciate the feed back a bunch :smiley:


No problem d:

Some more questions regarding the ability though, how exactly does the ‘bile’ work with regards to the poison? Adding a bit more detail would help, e.g. whether it creates a trail behind the player as they walk or creates an entity where you throw the poison?

It would be nice if you expanded on the ‘aoe damage every other tile’, basically :stuck_out_tongue:


so similar to how the bile leaves trail of purple goo when you run past them in O2 the assassin would toss a trail of poisons based off of where the player positioned their mouse, tho unlike the biles mechanic once the initial poison is tossed the poison cannot change direction and bounces to every other tile.


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