What is the dungeon that you HATE the most


oh my god no wonder most of your posts so far sound so unintelligent and quickly written


lol ur totally right but LEAFF BOWWWWWWWWW


while the rest of your points are so true lol

keep in mind that the dungeon was designed to be anti melee…


This is my experience, I do not have a good pet, I almost never have top-of-the-line gear. I don’t spend money on games (NOT to say that you NEED to spend money to get good). However, much of what I say comes from PERSONAL experience, most of the time when I try to rush (I normally don’t), I nearly die, because I screw up somehow, or my friends, who are worse than me, screw it up, I know MY limits and you know yours and that is what I need to know as a RotMG player.


Okay so please stop making huge generalization then. Obviously you are not good at rushing simply due to lack of practice. If you would like to meet me sometime in game I would be happy to help you.

Additionally, tops are by no means required to be good at the game. Old tops and even the few tiers below are more than sufficient. You should just max some stats before doing harder dungeons.

The bottom line is: please do not make statements about the game that are only true to your account and your skill. BTEL has a maxed divine pet and can solo a shatters without it, but he is not saying that everybody else should be able to as well.


My comments are NOT in any way meant to be a generalization, and while you do not NEED tops, they are certainly nice to have and help like crazy. Most of the time that I have been in a shatters, they are not coordinated, only a select few do so. My and my friends are not quite ready yet to do those things, and I am trying to help new people. Not seasoned veterans which, judging by your exceptionally condescending tone, you are.


Okay time to destroy your entire argument again :slight_smile:

They may not be meant to be general, but they are. Maybe wait until you take English 5-6.
Tops are essentially useless. A t11 staff has an average of 2.5 damage per shot lower than a t12. This is reflected by every other t11 to t12 weapon type.

My exceptionally condescending tone that you misread is simply my exasperation because if we as a community want to teach new players, we want them to learn information that is correct and good.

Check this guide out.


one misconception to newer players is that tops are 1000% better than old tops, but in truth, they arent.

Lets look at Acrop. It has 1 def more than abby. But the prices of
abby = 3def
acrop = 2L = 13 Def

thats 10 def more!!! Why would you use an acrop over abby if you havent maxed def?! The only big jump in teirs in armor is T8-T9, apporximately the same spot for weapons. That is a 5def jump !!!

After T9, everything is just a 1def increase,

These patterns are also followed by majority of other weapons/abilities

@mrloaf you ninja



sorryyyyy but I am “tracking” this convo lol


im tracking everything

just took long to write :stuck_out_tongue:


Ooop, FRICK!
Just lost level 20, I just gave away both my backup sets.

I cri,


lol i like how you just randomly posted this in a discussion, trying throughing this in one of the off topic ones or The Death Thread


Sorry but it kinda seems like you’re just bad.
Also, try using another class.


I am not great, but Im not bad either.


The dungeon I hate most is spider den. There is no point to that dungeon.
Shatts and abyss are awesome dungeons just get more experienced with them and you will see how great they are. People die in shatters all the time but thats kinda the point. If you find it too risky, just dont use your main characters. Use throwaways that you can easily rebuild. I had one week when I did like a hundred shatts and lost something like 8 different 4/8 - 7/8 throwaways in shatts (dont judge me lol), Its supposed to be a hard dungeon. High risk, high reward.


Ummm… I think you underestimate the power of the poison dagger.

lmao jk its only purpose is to have a basis for the crawling depths to be a mega dungeon of.


?no there is
learn slows

if that is true, not point to any of the low level dungeons


It used to be great for exp but that seems to have gone away.


Well Scorchy, I don’t know if it’s that important to learn how to walk slower. Maybe that’s not what you were saying.


well learning to dodge bullets in the web, like for melee/slowpokes its sometimes hard in cdepths to not get sat on