Gods of the Realm (Rev. 19)

Short of the powerful and feared Event Gods, these are the most powerful and toughest monsters in the Realm. They live in the mountaintops, generally in areas of empty terrain or black rock, gradually respawning when an area is depopulated. These areas, shown as black or white areas on the minimap, are called the Godlands. Many of the game’s servers are named after the Gods. The gods of the realm usually have between one thousand and two thousand HP, though some even higher, generally have high firepower, and can deal a variety of status effects. Even the strongest must be wary.

Regular Gods
MedusaSprite GodBeholderDjinnLeviathanEnt GodFlying BrainGhost GodSlime GodWhite DemonRock ConstructSteel ConstructWood Construct


Drops From:
Magic Potion
Health Potion
All Regular Gods
Tier 6 Armor
Tier 7 Weapon Tier 7 Armor Tier 4 Ability

Tier 8 Weapon

Tier 8 Armor

Tier 9 Armor

Tier 3 Ring

Tier 4 Ring

Potion of Speed

Potion of Attack

Potion of Defense

Common Pet EggUncommon Pet Egg

All Regular Gods

Lesser Gods

Obviously weaker than the Gods, but a step above the normal monsters.

Flayer GodLizard GodMinotaurUndead Dwarf God

Lucky Gods

A step above the Gods, introduced in Release 16.0 as monsters to drop the Epic Dungeons known as the Crawling Depths, Woodland Labyrinth, and Deadwater Docks.

Lucky DjinnLucky Ent GodCrystal Prisoner