Fool's Gold Fame Box: Aug 24-31


Here’s what I got out of it:

MotMG 2017 Updated Calendar
MotMG 2017 Discussion Thread (the anointed MEGATHREAD)
MotMG 2017 Discussion Thread (the anointed MEGATHREAD)

Nice you got skins! Now lemme try.

Edit: RNG is a douche got 4 dyes and a moss.


every fame box i role i always get pots


i rolled it and got 4 skins :stuck_out_tongue:



1 2 3 4 5



What’d you get from the skin though?

Also how do you make transparent images.


I stole the transparent images from the wiki (right-click, Copy Image Location) on this wiki page:
and then pasted here.

I’ve not opened the skin, as I’ve got all the Bronze skins already via trading, I’ll just let it rot in my giftvault until if/when it ever changes what the potential skins it can spawn are.


I meant how to make them transparent in general, you seem to have a knack for doing that.


I can get them into a cut-out state but I don’t have the skillz/patience/software to do the things like the shadow, I’m not sure how the wiki gets them into that state, like in the gallery of skins above, they all have shadows. It’s a mystery!


This minus one of the large mystery dyes. I guess my MotMG luck isn’t too great considering this, the other boxes, and the fact that of the two bronze skins I got the Shoveguy. (Also my least favorite in that category.)

Well, at least I can give the second to my friend, he plays and enjoys football so it may be a nice gift. Too bad I can’t do anything with these dyes. (Other than look good temporarily, lol)


Guess it’s only fair to get this after those back-to-back whites… (also, rolled only twice; got double pots from the first, def and vit)


Spent 500 fame on random cloths I probably won’t ever use, that’s just how it is I guess


Got 2 mystery pots, 1 moss, 1 dye and silver mystery skin.

I’m currently wearing the skin on my priest.


Darn, I’d kill for skins :frowning:


Okay, time for one late-night roll after all the failures I created today.
At the time of writing, I have no idea if I’ll get something good…

Mystery cloth, mystery clothing dye…alas.


When you suicide a 6/8 for 800 fame and get 5 random dyes


lol thanks rng, you came through for me
(2 silver skins)


2 bronze+1 silver

(2 bronze were nun+deadly vixen. silver was drow trickster)


You don’t need to kill, just farm them pots, and visit: