Getting Disconnected


Hi, I play RoTMG in Google Chrome, and I keep on getting disconnected. It seems that this only happens at Zombie Hordes. This is very annoying. I just got my first cyan from a Zombie Horde today, and I got dced before I could pick it up. Is there anything that I can do to fix this?


Hi Hexstealth,

@ConsoleMC recently posted a troubleshooting guide; check it out!

Google Chrome is not the ideal platform to play RotMG on, most people agree that Flash Projector (if you’re not on Steam) gives superior performance. I’d recommend giving it a shot. (tutorial on how to setup Flash Projector)

If you want to keep playing on Chrome, have you disabled Pepperflash yet?

Other than that, what’s your download/upload speed? Use and see what you get. Or it could just be your computer, good luck fixing it!


man, people are starting to use hyperlinkers within the words now.


I’m ahead of you on that one (When I wrote this, the formatting was lost upon copying the text. I was on mobile.)


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