(New Lute) Goldstrung Ivory



Made of polished whitewood and strings thought to have been lost to the ages. A great musician of eons past was said to have used these same strings to overcome even the siren’s call.


Tier UT
MP Cost 110
On Equip +8 VIT, +8 WIS
Dauntless Spirit If inflicted with Slow or Paralyzed on self, Gain Green Up Arrow Speedy for 3.5 seconds
If inflicted with Weak on self, Gain ATT^ ATT boost (+8 ATT) for 3.5 seconds
If inflicted with Dazed on self, Gain DEX^ DEX boost (+8 DEX) for 3.5 seconds
If inflicted with Armor break, Gain DEF^ DEF boost (+8 DEF) for 3.5 seconds
Effect(s) On Ability Use:
Party Effect: Within 4.5 squares Inspired Icon Inspired for 4 seconds
Effect on Self: Removes negative status effects.
XP Bonus 6%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 1000

Drops From:

More info:

I’ve gotten into liking suggesting random as heck item ability suggestions so here’s another one!

This one alludes to Orpheus’ tale of being able to overcome the sirens. Although the decades past, the strings of his lyre continued to remember his many songs and became enchanted. The base of the lyre deteriorated yet the strings remained and was a marvel of the ages, eventually strung again into a prized ivory lute. Only to be shortly stolen from guild of timeshifter thieves not from their plane of existance, and then accidentally pilfered by a group of treasure-loving bandits who have heard of their heist.

For the lute itself, I was thinking about how the bard plays a bit like the priest in terms of being able to support and buff allies. This reminded me of the infamous Tome of Purification and how it gives the Priest a good amount of surviability, being able to essentially ignore status ailments as it is a relatively squishy class. I figured since Bard does face the problem of surviability due to its nature as a robe class, why not give it something like Puri? The class also seemed like it didn’t have too many UTs at the moment so why not?

But I didn’t want to flat out just make something like Puri, because if I remember correctly Orpheus didn’t just nullify the siren’s call but supposedly overpowered it. (I might have some of my research on the background of this item a bit wrong so feel free to comment about it!). That and it seemed boring to just make another puri but for another class without some sort of identity to it.

Now unto the weird part: Why does the ability give buffs to the stats which the player is currently debuffed in?

tl;dr This is only the passive part of the ability, with the active ability the player cleanses the debuffs anyway, so these buffs would be at full efficacy if the player choses to cleanse them off. So the buffs stay while the debuffs get cleansed.

This is exactly why I decided to add in the passive of the Dauntless spirit or how I wanted to set it apart from Puri. Essentially this would make it so the bard can “Counter” debuffs after cleansing them. However this is relatively high mana cost and will need the bard to be precise with their cleanse in order to maximize the buff they get. To some extent if the player is willing to be risky, they can purposely get debuffed so they gain the benefits of the buffs before purifying themselves. I wasn’t sure if this should be a party effect so I decided on keeping it an effect on self instead.

I’m unsure why the Cave of a Thousand Treasures has no whites bags or if it should have white bags but this seemed like the most thematically accurate place to put it in due to other locations already having had 1-2 of their own special white bags in their God land dungeons.

Let me know what you think of the ability in the comments or what you think about the idea in the poll! I’m generally open to suggestions and thoughts to edit this idea so about this so feel free to comment what you think about it!

Edit History

Edit #1: Decided to make the ability more descriptive as to what it does. Still considering issues with how it is balanced however, increasing mana cost by further 5.

What do you think about the idea?

  • The idea is great!
  • The idea is good.
  • The idea is okay.
  • The idea is bad.

0 voters


Good idea overall, but ( I don’t know how to explain this ) don’t give a buff of the same negative status effect you’re inflicted with, as if you’re dazed overall it’s gonna be slower, slower than normal shooting.


Ah yes, but this effect applies before the player even uses the ability as it only checks if the player is inflicted with the debuff or not.
This means that if the ability is used, not only will they be able to cleanse the debuff, but also gain an opposite effect to the debuff itself. Essentially “countering” the debuff to make it beneficial for the player.

Apologies if this was unclear! I’ll try to edit it to make my explanation more explicit in this.


I think the idea is cool, but I feel it is wayy to broken in dungeons dungeons such as osanc because since those four status effect are common in the boss fight, it decreases the incentive to actually dodge the shots since you actually gain from tanking. Also, how would this mechanic work with parses in o3? You can’t remove a debuff given by o3 when parsed, so it wouldn’t help at all in situations like those. I think the lute could use a little tweaking, but yea, I think its a cool idea!


Yeah I was worried something like this might come up, some of my first thoughts were wanting to tank at all because you will technically be spending HP if you’d want to “gain” those shots. Although both of them are robe classes the priest himself has a heal whereas for this lute it might be a bit more risky. I’m thinking of bumping up the mana cost a bit, but it already seems a bit hefty for me as it is to continuously try to keep stacking the debuffs as well as the health you’ll have to risk to get it. Or maybe an overall decrease in mana, buff efficacy, and duration? I’m just gonna take my time considering the balance for now.

I’ve heard of unpurifiable debuffs, BUT I’ve never heard of “parse” or how it works/what it is so this is interesting. Although for this it would basically be insult to injury where it wouldn’t work or be useful for those kinds of debuffs as the player can’t purify them.

Not sure if the player would keep the lute on if there will be a minor stat increase for these though if there is any at all, so this kind of lute would most likely be inoptimal for that kind of thing. I’m kind of okay with that or the unpurifiable debuff doing that sort of thing as it keeps the incentive to dodge a bit for those kinds of fights. Note this also drops the party inspired duration down from the normal T6 Lute of 6 seconds to 4 seconds so I guess that would be noteworthy as well so the bard and his party would have less benefit from the inspired buff.

Thanks again for the much appreciated input! I hope to see your thoughts on this! Although generally just looking forward to having more discussion on the idea!


It seems this post is still unclear, so I will highlight and give more emphasis on the ability. But just to be clear this is the passive of the ability. The active ability cleanses all negative effects off the player.

I should probably make a tl;dr part so its more straightforward I guess.

Edit: Almost forgot to say thanks for forwarding the concern! but yeah to answer the thing directly it wouldn’t really matter if the speedy doesn’t affect the player when they are slowed because they’ll be able to cleanse the slow anyway :slight_smile:


As long as this effect remains on yourself, I love this idea! Considering how squishy you are as a bard, it would hurt to keep activating your lute repeatedly, as it doesn’t heal you like the puri does.


Yeah! I was thinking the exact same too. Like how it would be best used more as a counter measure than anything else. But yeah I also thought it might be too much if it was a party ability, note also it isn’t exactly a cheap mana cost too. Glad you like it!


Personally I don’t like the idea of the item. An item that both gets rid of negative status effects and requires you to get them for it to work? Terrible idea


Hmm well I guess I respect that, but I wouldn’t say it “requires” you to get statused in order for it to work. It has benefits sure and it counteracts it, but again this is more themed towards something like Tome of Purification where its main selling point is being able to cleanse status effect itself. It just comes with providing the player a bit of a bonus against the status effect. Just to set it a bit apart from something like Puri.

Kind of like: “Oh you wanted me to move slower or stay still? I’m gonna go even faster now”, “I see you’re trying to weaken me, yeah that just made me angrier” so something like that XD

Edit: Added a short paragraph and fixed a bit of wording.


In general I don’t really like the bard class, poorly made with not well thought ability effect, “inspire”. Tbh anything idea having to do with this class that doesn’t have to with improving classes ability isn’t recommended


Okay sure but I don’t think this is the right place to forward this sort of concern. This seems less related to the idea and more on just going towards how bard is in general.

I kinda get where you’re coming from and bard was only recently released so they’ll have to do some adjustments here and there. But I didn’t post this with the intention of “fixing” bard as that’s something more on the developer side since the best I can do is suggest certain mechanics, and even then my experience isn’t in determining how to do those sorts of things. As much as I’m interested in talking about this; or how I would want to look up stuff about this it seems more appropriate for another topic.

Man I just wanna suggest a purify option to the bard class given how it was designed to be squishy and just working with what I have right now or whats in the game :c


Who even likes Bard lol


This is why they shouldn’t’ve nerfed the god damn puri.


I do.

Puri = EZ facetank MBC.


After trying out more bard, I really love the class. I kinda get how its really problematic, though I have a bunch of fun with it on single shot bows.


All bow classes are cool.


minus bard.




ok man look the only reason I don’t completely hate bard is because bard has Hatsune Miku skin