The Death Thread



72 OTs 3 cbows, 0 ctraps.
No Halls nor discord servers were allowed in the guild ppe contest.


RIP Peter Mayhew, actor of Chewbacca.



@Gyikszemu, @Farmerobot, @Reachguy, @ILagHehe + two or three more whose graves had already disappeared.


Whats wrong with your player?



First time in a week. Restarting Flash Player fixed it.

Missing icons/art

I thought you guys were those box rogues


That looks like the doing of a Medusa wall


nope. Crystal and lag. You can see the mark the Crystal leaves at the top of the screenshot. I teleported immediately after the deaths/lag and did screenshots while there were still ponies around, but the crowd stopped me getting a good screenshot and I came back a few mins later.


Thatā€™s just embarrassing.


dies from yellow bee

Me: Thinking Face on Twitter Twemoji 12.0

goes back to main menu

Me : hmmface1 credit to whoever made this thinking face

Iā€¦ I through the Deca gods gave meā€¦ a second lifeā€¦

Trivial Issues Thread


yknow what nevermind


Oops sorry. Credit to whoever that made this thinking face.


Couldnā€™t quite get the names, but you gotta be careful of what you run over.

@Hydroshad, @MSandul, and @Court died to some assassin lag.

@Flashboost Also stood on something bad.


(Why am I still an orange star on Realmeye XD)


Log in and out of realmeye


Hell Ya suicide my 8/8 rogue


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: The General Chat Thread


@DerFex & @EmoGrofl to a rampaging red tribesman (he really does move around)
@Vilethorn in the Nest event
@Xalmadius our para clearing didnā€™t go well :frowning:
@NimrodTB at a Ship
@Explex not sure if deliberate at Ava
@Truskawek at O2
& @ZXCVNoob and others at O1.


First time in Cursed Library, eh?
