Trivial Issues Thread


2 posts were split to a new topic: Making a desktop shortcut for Exalt


It’s a dang haiku
In poems, after a line
You capitalize


A post was split to a new topic: Character deletion text is too long for the window on Exalt


Fungal Cave with no wall (it’s only like this in that one spot)


A post was split to a new topic: Oryx closed the nexus?


2 posts were split to a new topic: Message from ignored spambot still gets through


The Tomb Snake Skin Unlocker hasn’t been switched from orange bag into golden yet.


are you sure?

got one of those skins in a gold bag yesterday…



i’m not talking about his picture…

i’m talking about myself. I got one in a golden bag yesterday. I’m pretty sure i made that clear.




no pic of the bag, but here’s a pic of the skin.

and i’m pretty sure i know a gold bag when i see one.


You still got less proof than skyslurp/nevov


look, i don’t want to argue. i admit i’m probably wrong.

(how does skyslurp have more proof then me? all he did was draw arrows)


In his defense why would Maddymoon even lie about such a thing? I’m pretty sure he is not colorblind either.


It is orange bag, this was already reported with more info here:



i do hope i’m not colorblind haha


wait, i know.

I got both pet skins at the same tomb, must have got the bag colors mixed up.

sorry for the confusion everyone


I mean, orange bag has priority over yellow, so you got the pet skins from different bosses…?

