Staff of Extreme Prejudice (Rev. 22)

Staff of Extreme Prejudice Fire Missile
Staff of Extreme Prejudice: Once the most powerful staff in existence; a crack in its frame has rendered it incapable of focusing fire. It remains uniquely deadly.

Tier: Untiered
Shots: 10 (360° Arc)
Damage: 80-95 (Average: 87.5)
Projectile Speed: 11
Lifetime: 0.364 seconds
Range: 4.004
Amplitude: 0.15
Frequency: 2
Rate of Fire: 40%
Fame Bonus: 6%
Feed Power: 600

Drops From:
Limon the Sprite God

Since the strength of this staff lies in its firing of 10 shots, it is at its best when all 10 shots hit. Here are a few ways to use the EP more effectively than other staves.

Test Chests: It’s not needed to gain SB as the threshold is very low, but an EP can help destroy the chest more quickly especially when soloing or doing it with a small or low level group.

Pentaracts: By standing inside of a pentaract tower with a max EP user, the tower can be quickly destroyed. This must be done so that all 10 shots hit the tower. This is best performed with a Wizard. Wizards will not need to weaken the towers, Necromancers and Mystics are still recommended to do some weakening.

Crystals: Hitting the inside of a crystal with an EP does a massive amount of damage. With a maxed Wizard, damage can reach 30000 in 5 seconds, roughly half of the needed damage to break it. With buffs, this is potentially enough to crack the crystal alone, though it is safer to call upon guild mates or other players in the realm. THE CRYSTAL’S SHOTGUN WILL KILL ANY ROBE CLASS INSTANTLY – attempt at your own risk.

Ghost Archers: With maxed defense, standing on the ghost archers by the Ghost King can kill them in a matter of seconds, therefore passing through the Ghost King quest.

Stone Guardians: To a Wizard with maxed defense, the shots from the stone guardians do little damage. Merely three or four blasts from EP can land a max wizard SB. It is best to EP the stone guardians just after awakening and after it recovers its sword.

Mad Lab: Both Dr. Terrible and the Horrific Creation (when vulnerable) can be blasted as neither possesses a shotgun. However, one must be wary of Dr. Terrible’s minions and of venturing into the green acid near the Horrific Creation.

Despite what you may think, you do not want to use the EP on a Test Chest. Due to the amount of people usually attacking a chest, it is very possible for lag to cause all your shots to miss entirely, gaining you no chance at SB damage. The SB threshold on chests is very low, so sacrificing the usage of an EP is not as big a loss as one might think.

Note There is a bit of aiming involved with the EP. The direction the character is facing determines where the origin of the 10 shots will be. Therefore, it is not as simple as standing on top of the target - one must be facing the target in order to increase the number of shots being landed.

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