(New Sheath) Misty Sheath



pixil-frame-0 image

Item Sprite created by @CaesarVIII
Projectile Sprite taken from Steam Pipe projectile

Constructed from the salvaged kogs of the Kogbold Steamworks. It constantly emits steam and can be pressurized in order to quickly propel its user from various angles. It is significantly warm however, causing slight discomfort in wielding it.

Tier UT
MP Cost 100
On Equip +5 DEF, -5 HP
Effect(s) Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Propulsion: Dash in the direction you are moving
Shots 3 (5°)
Damage 350–400 (average: 362.5)
Projectile Speed 16 tile(s)/second
Lifetime 0.5 second(s)
Range 8 tiles
Stat Multiplier 6/10/15/21/28% image SPD boost
Each stack lasts for 15 seconds
Dash Distance 6 tile(s)
Trail Damage 1000
Max Dashes 4
Cooldown 3 Second(s)
Soulbound Soulbound
XP Bonus 5%
Feed Power 900

Created From: x3 Kogbold Kogs (Given to the Tinkerer)
KOGBOLD KOG:New%20Piskel%20(3)
A kog from the Kogbold Steamworks, its strange build makes it ideal for constructing certain artifacts or tools.

Drops from: Kogbold Enemies
Soulbound: Soulbound
Feed Power: 250

More Info:

This is a follow up to the previous post I made for a UT from KBSW (Kogbold Steamworks). I had recently made a Kensei and tried it out a bit in the nexus, had a random idea to just make this UT since I thought it might be interesting to have different controls to dashing other than where your cursor is pointed at. The goal of this specific UT is to provide the Kensei with an alternative and comfortable means of maneuvering around the battlefield instead of focusing on damage. My previous post also has a “unique” means of obtaining the UT so I decided to also incorporate that here so as to have multiple examples or uses for the suggested “Kogbold Kogs”.

As for the actual item itself, it was originally like a semi-boiler like sheath as I originally wanted it to look like an exhaust pipe but the 8x8 pixel stuff seems to make it difficult for me to have it look nice, so I settled for the sprite provided by CaesarVIII (Thank you again for letting me use your sprite!). (I’m kinda bad at these art kinda things so just used the pre-existing projectiles from the Steam Pipe UT in KBSW).

Edits Summary
  • Original Sprite: New%20Piskel >>> changed to sprite provided by CaesarVIII for aesthetic reasons.
  • Implemented changed suggested by @Leohe (Thanks again for the suggestions!) >>> Dash Distance to 6, Max Dashes to 4, ATK Boost to SPD Boost, Shot Pattern to be normalized.
  • Implemented longer lasting stacks for more viability for dodging/rushing >>> 10s to 15s

What do you think about the idea?

  • The idea is great! (4/4)
  • The idea is good (3/4)
  • The idea is okay (2/4)
  • The idea is bad (1/4)

0 voters


I get that you were going for a more muted tone to fit with the kogbold theme but imo the colors don’t work out really well. If anything it would suit Toxic Sewers more. This is a design that I whipped up that I think would fit the dungeon better:



Wow that sprite looks MUCH better, I’m really rusty in terms of Pixel Art so I get that it could have been better, would you mind if I included this art in the post? Thank you again for the input!


Yeah for sure!


So first off, I would like to note that I like the general concept. I love the idea of getting kogs (hopefully stackable) and then trading stacks of 3s for a specific white of choice from the tinkerer. Honestly I can even see it working like current oryx shards with a stack of 3 producing a random item while two stacks can be traded for an item of choice.

I do however have a couple of problems with the item itself.

  1. Where’s max dashes? Unless you’re paying 100 mp per dash
  2. Fairly certain backward would be 165 cause doesn’t 360 mean full circle?
  3. What kind of use does this sheath server? What shots behind the user means to me is that you wish for an item mean for running away or rushing. However, an attack stat multiplier makes no sense. As a dps item, it has the same attack multiplier as a t4. As a rushing item, I would much prefer blitz which stacks up def or quartermaster which can leave a decoy behind.
    My personal ideas: (1) Shots can be based off of mouse while movement is based around propulsion. (2) Remove the stat multiplier, instead give buffs based off of number of dashes. For example temp armored on 2 dashes and temp invul on 3 dashes or similar. (3) Could be the first item (i think) with speed scaling?
  4. What does dash distance even mean with propolsion? Feels like it would be better to just force a consistent dash distance if you’re going to use propolsion instead of the regular dash. (Also propulsion not propolsion)


Wow that’s a lot of stuff, thanks for taking the time to write this down, I really appreciate it when someone takes the time to go through the different parts the idea post! I forgor to put it as stackable but yes, the Kogs would ideally be stackable and somewhat rare (albeit dropping from the minor enemies of the dungeon). It could help towards giving players an alternative sense of progression or achievement towards every run as it wont just be white bags or getting a lot of damage in, urging them to try out new dungeons as if they help clear they can possibly get components of “X”-item.

I forgor again to put max dashes ;~;
However, since its a more movement orientent Sheath I think it might be fair to have it hold 4 dashes instead of the standard three? (Also might help as a visual indicator in case the player forgets to swap out to the appropriate waki or something).

I was trying to find other item references when I came upon the Staff of Unholy Sacrifice and saw its “345 degree” angle. I assumed it was for the spread pattern or something specific with the game so I decided to put it as something similar, might need to do more research on this too as I don’t really get why or how its like that.

Hmm right good points, to be completely transparent I was kind of just copying other item stats as I was a bit afraid to add in my own kind of flavor for fear of it being unbalanced. I would likely just set its dash to a consistent 6 tile dash? (Open to change) (Thanks for correcting me on the spelling too! I’ll likely implement that change in a bit).

For (1) and the shot pattern going backwards, I specifically wanted it to work like the “steam” is what propels you in that direction, though I guess it wouldnt make it too different if it was in the mouse direction. I originally thought that maybe the shots could be used to ward off enemies chasing the player? (But I guess a decoy would be better in that regard).

For (2) I think this is also interesting as you kept “number of dashes” open to interpretation instead of enemies hit, I thought Kensei was already invul while dashing, are they not? Unless you mean these buffs to be at the end of the dash, in which case it might be a bit too strong?

For the (3) scaling stat, I guess speed scaling might be more interesting than attack, giving it also a way to very quickly rush through dungeons (I actually want to see the interaction between snake eye ring and this kind of thing and whether it procs on the dashes or on the initial cast).

Overall, I wanted this item to be a utility/movement-based Sheath, focusing less on damage and more on maneuverability, allowing the user to comfortably deal damage to a boss using their katana for damage and their sheath for dodging at the same time, although I also like the idea of having it be viable for rushing, albeit a very risky option haha. Im leaning towards implementing the changes for (1) and (3) a bit later, though if you have any further thoughts they’re more than welcome!


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