Trivial Issues Thread


New level of grammatical pedantry here but:

Ring of Unbound Love (did I mention how vomit inducing this sprite is?) description: My heart couldn’t be anymore full!

Should read: My heart couldn’t be any more full!

Further reading:


now thats truly a trivial issue


A post was split to a new topic: There are unnamed players in a guild
-seems more a Q+A discussion, moved into its own topic


A post was split to a new topic: Australia server is not listed on RealmEye
-a RealmEye bug, needing attention from MrE, split to own topic for visibility.


I’m only posting it in trivial because I’m not sure if this is just my issue, but I made a new account, verified the account with my email, went to nexus and when I tried to choose a name, it told me I didn’t have enough gold. Any help?


@DemonDeath see this thread for your problem I’d recommend posting in there to bump it if it’s still happening:


deca still has not removed hearts dropping


A post was split to a new topic: Graphical glitch in new patch
-graphical glitches followed by disconnect is more than trivial - moved to its own thread


A post was split to a new topic: Server-side lag when activating trickster ability?
-if there is server-lag affecting a class using its ability that’ll be better in its own thread to see if others are experiencing the same, to discuss, etc.


A post was split to a new topic: Realmeye won’t load my pet in
-no RealmEye problems/bugs on here please, thanks. They can be fedback back direct to MrEyeball via RealmEye message:


A post was split to a new topic: Pet tab displays different pet than equipped
-a functional bug in the game, moved to its own topic.


The visual bug that displays (part of) the screen where blacktiles are (usually behind walls)
Happens quite often, doesn’t really have consequences other than being ugly.

Adobe Flash 18 screen broke?

Do you know if it also occurs with other fp versions? I always thought it was just a bug in fp 18 and not in the game


I do not know.


I play on 24 and never got this glitch, if it helps.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Playing on Linux I can’t close the calendar
(Serious enough bug to warrant its own thread)


The /help thing shows /block instead of /ignore.

Also I forgot /yell was a thing, I’m gonna have to do it sometime.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Nests not dropping?
(Q+A topic)




Notes from ice tomb chest event:

  • Frost bow still drops in a purple bag
  • Freezing quiver should drop in a white bag, as it’s an event white now
  • Ice tomb portal does not flash when about to disappear