Avatar of the Forgotten King (Rev. 128)

Avatar of the Forgotten King

The Avatar of the Forgotten King is an event boss that drops the entrance to The Shatters, and has a very small chance of dropping the Tablet of the King’s Avatar.



HP: 500000
DEF: 90
EXP: 15000

Immune to Daze
Immune to Paralyze
Immune to Stasis
Immune to Stun
Level 20 Quest
Counts toward God Kills

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Condition effects
Speed (tiles/sec)
Range (tiles)
Fire Spinner
Confused for 4s
Unstable for 4s
Fire Bullet
Unstable for 4s


Does not move.

Has the armored status effect activated most of the time (~81%), resulting in 180 defense. Only during the time when it’s flashing red (once it stops firing shots), the avatar is not armored.

  • Shoots thick Fire Spinners in different directions.
  • Flashes white.
    • When it flashes white it will say:
  • Shoots spiral of Fire Bullets.
  • Shoots clockwise spiral then counter-clockwise spiral of Fire Spinners.
  • Shoots spiral of Fire Bullets. (2 rows in 1st phase, 3 rows in 2nd phase)
  • Flashes red. This is the only time it loses its armored status.
    • When it flashes red it will say:
      “Foolish whelps, leave me be!”
      “I must gather my strength!”



Phase 1:
Shades of the AvatarShades of the Avatar

Phase 2:
Eye of the AvatarEye of the Avatar

Phase 3:

Other enemies:
Killer PillarKiller Pillar (becomes active during phase 4)

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Tips and Strategies

Shades of the Avatar (phase 1): The shades are not necessarily dangerous even if you take a shot but they still would take a decent chunk of HP so one or two wouldn’t be that harmful. Take note that they do heal themselves so a high DPS threshold is needed to pass these Shades.

Eyes of the Avatar (phase 2): These must be killed quickly, or else more will spawn. Archers with paralyzing quivers or huntresses with the Coral Venom Trap are helpful for paralyzing the eyes, allowing the group of players to kill them quicker.

Blobombs (phase 3): If one were to be careless and sit on this enemy, it will take out nearly all of your HP or it’s going to be an instant kill, so make sure to back out whenever they come in. A trick for them, however, since they are big, slow, purple Gray Blobs (although they do have a detection range, so make sure to not get too close), is to run up to them just until they flash (melee advised just in case if it happened to blow up close to you, as your armor can protect most (or some) of the damage) and retreat.

Killer Pillars (phase 4): Unlike the Shades, they can wipe out quite a large chunk of HP with just a single bullet (even on a high DEF character as they can armor-pierce), so ensure yourself that you dodge the shots.

Assassin: A relatively simple but ineffective way of dealing damage is to stand on the outside of the Avatar arena and continuously throw poisons at the boss. Due to the Avatar’s large amount of HP, poisons by themselves deal little damage but are a good way to pass the soulbound damage threshold.

Ninja: Like the Assassin, Ninjas can sit on the edge of the Avatar’s area and throw shurikens at the Avatar when it is vulnerable.

Knight: The Avatar cannot be stunned, but shields nevertheless deal heavy damage. However, timing shield attacks to hit when the Avatar loses its armored status can be tricky and dangerous. The Shield of Ogmur is very useful for the fight as it can nullify the Avatar’s large amount of defense, allowing the group to deal massive damage even if it still has its armored status.

Warrior: The helm’s boost is the Warrior’s key to help you if you can properly use it during the spiraling phase and for plain running when he changed phases, Helm of the Juggernaut helps in most phases of this particular boss. Other helms will allow you to get in the gaps of the fireball.

Archer: Your Quivers for this boss won’t help much but the Archer’s range and high DPS with the Doom Bow is something to keep in handy. The quivers can also paralyze the eyes of the Avatar (but that’s only possible if you have T3 quiver or above).

Huntress: The Coral Venom Trap is very useful for quickly dealing with the eye phase.

Wizard: Using off-centered camera, you can easily throw in some cheap spell bombs without putting yourself in any real danger. Stay back until you see the boss flashing red, and then walk a little closer to him and spellbomb like mad.

Priest: There are 2 very different ways to play priest at the avatar including tanking and curing the unstable/confuse. A priest with tome of holy protection is arguably the best tank in the game causing him to be plow the path for the group to dmg. If you already have a tank in the group you can use tome of purification the tank and any others who accidentally gained the unstable ability. The purification tome can be better than any boost in this situation.

Tank Class (any class can do this greatly helping the group but the true tanks (Knights, Warriors, and Paladins with maxed defense and health) can create a much bigger lane for the group to come in): It is helpful in a group of melees for one class to absorb the last of the fireballs, this allows for the other melees to run in and cause max dmg to the avatar, during vulnerable times.(note you can stand on top of the avatar for a short time, if you are the tank and still get sb in. It will take a while for you to become comfortable standing on the avatar). However, ONLY DO THIS when you have maxed defense and health, as tanking all of the shots at once when unmaxed can – and will – kill you within SPLIT SECONDS.
And even if you are a max defense and max health knight, it will still kill you very fast.

Paladin: Boost the group and yourself to help deal more damage it also help save some people from oblivion since you can heal.

NOTE: Most of the time, about 15+ players are fighting the Avatar. This will cause MASSIVE lag. Many players lag out and end up standing on the king, or flying into the evil water, and dying. It’s probably a good idea for Back to top