Storm Caller Bard Set

Storm Caller Bard
Set Generation
Class Bard
Themed on Unknown
Drops From Esben the Unwilling (Hailstorm)
Xolotl the Lightning God (Thundering Chorus)
Feargus the Obsidian Dragon (Wind Dancer Robe)
Air Elemental (Augur of the Tempest)
Mighty Quest Chest (Hailstorm / Thundering Chorus / Wind Dancer Robe / Augur of the Tempest)
Obtained Through Mystery Bard ST Crate
2nd Piece Bonus +25 HP, +3 SPD, +3 DEX
3rd Piece Bonus +45 MP, +4 DEF, +4 SPD
4th Piece Bonus +80 HP, +60 MP, +7 DEX
Subtotal of Bonuses +105 HP, +105 MP, +4 DEF, +7 SPD, +10 DEX
Overall Stat Bonus +180 HP, +105 MP, +22 DEF, +19 SPD, +20 DEX
Final Stats at 8/8 850 HP, 490 MP, 55 ATT, 47 DEF, 74 SPD, 90 DEX, 45 VIT, 75 WIS
Total XP Bonus 23%
Soulbound Soulbound
Released Exalt Version (Dec 2021)

The Storm Caller Bard Set was the 37th ST set to be released.