Favourite Class & Why?


As title states, what’s your favourite class and why?
Bonus points for uploading a picture of your sexy char.

Mine is my Sin. I love him. He never dies.
All I do is spam poison in WC’s and public Tombs. <3


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4 Classes
I don't know what to do
[POLL] What is your favorite class? (personally)
Rotmg - Class Tier List
Favorite classes?
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This guy, I love mystic 10/10 most fun class. Also I hate tombs.



Archer. Solid class that progresses in power at the same rate as your learning curve for the game, giving you the optimal learning experience, especially considering how average it is at everything.


Warrior. Every class is OP because even a decent pet makes the game infinitesimally easier so you might as well pick the class that can get the job done the fastest.


IMO the best class for most players, but probably not you judging by the picture, is knight. Really high damage with sword, and will get more dps using only weapons than most other classes. Especially considering classes like assassin, with super high dex but low damage. Any enemies with high def, like AVA or Oryx will take no damage. Has a great disable and dps secure in the shield. Just stun and sit on boss for 2 seconds. Back away, rinse and repeat. With pets the chain stun becomes real. However is very vulnerable to shotguns from oryx and the like.


heres a survey done long time ago


straight down my most successful char, died to lag in glands T-T
and he died on veteran’s day… sighs how ironic and sad. my first (and so far only) 7/8


honestly right before I was about to quit someone told me to play as knight and i don’t regret a single bit. otherwise assassin even though i keep dying with him


Mine would have to be the Huntress.
With the just the Dbow, the Huntress can be amazing just about anywhere (this excludes Abyss, obviously).
Once you have either a Covert or Cbow, you can do everything that you had trouble with using Dbow.
Finally, I highly prefer the trap to the quiver.


The most mind blowing class? A sorcerer of course. I was a huge fan of the priest and wands and then i played the sorc and i was in love with the damage and scepter. The fulmi makes it all the more enchanting.

Well i meant to reply to the actual post and not you but whatever lol can’t change it now


I really love the necro. A nice, long range class with good DPS. Plus, the healing ability. I just love the equaled out stats. But I do hate WC, only when its lagging though. RIP
(This was my first 6/8 ever XD)


Easily the priest, with the long range, the healing ability!

My favorite priest was My level 20 this guy R.I.P my best priest


haha no worries


Favorite class? Rogue by far… its cloak is extremely OP, yet can get pretty sketchy… Its just such a fun class which can rush almost every dungeon unmaxed (idk why but i cant rush abbys unmaxed on a rogue… too squishy) but by far my favorite class followed by pally :stuck_out_tongue:


ohhhh, if you want to look at some other topics, here:

this last one is a results of a huge survey.

yeah… theres alot, some are a bit different, but if you want to read those.


Priest was my original favorite. Back before pets he was a legitimately viable class cause the difference in tankiness between priest and melee’s was significantly greater. Plus if melees took one good hit they were basically out of the fight so much fewer people played melee meaning priest could get SB. Priest was my first 4/8, my first 6/8 and my first 7/8 in addition to being the first class I had all tops on (If you guys didn’t play back then, Cwand + T6 Tome + Gsorc was about 100 def, Plus an ammy which was 16-19 life (~130 def) by itself) plus the first class I ever got to 2k base. This was long before the fame train, so 2k base was super rare. The priest in my profile pic was that one.

That said, Archer is my favorite. I’m a sucker for tons of numbers (covert is legitimately fun and useful for mobbing stuff below glands, like Oryx’s castle for example) plus dbow means you can actually get SB on anything. I enjoy having to aim my quiver and the reward if im successful. Just an all around fun class.


one thing i dont miss from the old days is the

“Pls heal”
“hp pls”


wizard cause range


Easily the priest. Not for using though. I can’t count how many times I’ve been too stubborn to nexus and in a dire situation that priest runs by spamming a prot and suddenly you’re okay. To those selfless souls brave enough to sacrifice your sb damage I thank you!


pasted from another thread, and probably will always refer to this response when asked

Mystic: incredibly strategic and flexible ability that rewards skill and good decision-making

After the introduction of curse and wisdom modifiers, the mystic’s ability became useful from several situations to almost every type of situation. I honestly think the only reasons mystic is not more popular are 1) people associate its power level to its pre-buff era and 2) not all people are strategic thinkers, it’s hard to get used to not aiming at your target and using your ability on it like how the wizard or necro plays. This is not at all meant to bash people who play wizard though, I also love the sheer power of wizard. Mystic is just a more in-depth class that rewards smarter play.

This video by Remm highlights on everything I love about the class, and this was before its buff too.

However, my favourite character that I’ve made is an 8/8 paladin that’s no longer alive.


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