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Fame236 (15736th)
Most active onAustralia (410th)
If you are the founder or a leader of this guild, then you can add some description here, when you are logged in to RealmEye.

The most recent deaths from the past two weeks.

NameDied onBFTFEquipmentStatsKilled by
Daltiod2024-04-25T09:10:46Z130/8New Great Coil Snake
Daltiod2024-04-25T09:03:58Z682370/8Arena Blue Flame
Daltiod2024-04-25T06:25:20Z792730/8Archdemon Malphas
Daltiod2024-04-25T05:07:49Z875970/8Deep Sea Squid
Daltiod2024-04-23T02:22:47Z431990/8Pentaract Eye
Daltiod2024-04-21T11:20:44Z11110910/8Ghost God
Daltiod2024-04-21T06:41:43Z14580/8Night Elf Veteran