Chasm of Great Evil


Time tells of an ancient place that is filled with evils no one could have ever comprehended to be real, filled with ancient evil known only as some of the most atrocious beings to ever exist…

There is no telling how dangerous it all could be, and there is no telling when it will rise again… but when it does, it is said that it will bring a swift and brutal end to all of those in the Realm. Its name?

The Chasm of Great Evil.


Chasm of Great Evil

A place of evils that make even the Mad God tremble at his knees… whispers come from within these wretched halls. Relics of the ancient past come alive once again, threatening to wreak havoc, and make the mighty fall…


grave grave grave grave grave

This is a basic map. There are always 8 dead ends, 9 mini-boss rooms, 4 boss rooms, and 3 mini-boss rooms leading to the final boss room. Starting room paths will always go in the same direction initially, starting with going up. Mini-bosses are entirely randomized, and all bosses will be randomized except for the last, which will always be Death.

Start of the Dungeon

Within the first room, an entity named “Guidance”, who holds a lantern within his grasp and under his dark cloak, will begin a short monologue as an introduction to the Chasm after 30 seconds, allowing everyone to enter. It will always be the same, and in the order listed below.
Unlike other non-harmful entities, this one can be damaged, which means you must keep him alive. Here are his stats.
HP: 200,000
DEF: -20
SPD: 15
Immune to all Status Effects

“So… you have come, mortals… welcome.”
“This is the burial chamber for the wicked beasts you so seek.”
“Some are overridden by their lust for power, for all they dreamed… while others are out for nothing but blood.”
“Do you still wish to fight them, knowing that you could very well die and never be remembered?”
“I see. You are brave indeed, all of you, or the only one of you… I cannot tell. I cannot see.”
“If you truly wish to fight what you cannot defeat, then by all means, do so…”
“Simply say the word “READY” when you wish to begin, and I shall begin.”
"If you are one that wishes to try for a fast time in order to gain recognition upon your peers, then simply say “TIME ME”."
Upon saying READY:
"Very well. You will have to guide me with your words, so do not lead me astray, I so ask."
Upon saying TIME ME:
"Very well. I will tell you your time upon completion. Say “READY” when you wish to begin.“
Upon saying READY after saying TIME ME:
"Very well. You will have to guide me with your words, so do not lead me astray, I so ask. And make it snappy.”

From here, this is where the main unique aspect of the dungeon comes into play: a transport. Guidance will allow you to fight bosses much easier, and will allow you to slow down entities that roam around the dark halls. He will walk in the cardinal directions based on 0 degrees: Up, Down, Left, and Right. He will follow the instructions until he reaches a wall or a dead end. His lantern will light up enemies, revealing what they are and removing Armored from them.

Upon reaching a dead end, he will say:
"This appears to be somewhere I can no longer go. Please turn me around."
After he has reached a dead end and said his dialogue, he will no longer be able to be told to go that direction, so you must turn him around.
If you attempt to move him through one of the locked areas before it becomes unlocked, he will say:
"I can sense that this area is not yet open. Direct me elsewhere."
After he has said this, he will not be able to be pushed in that direction again until it has opened.
Upon reaching a mini-boss room, he will deliver this message:
"There is an entity here more powerful than the shadows… I will light the room for you."
He will raise his lantern to the air and release flames into the air that will allow you to see who the boss is, the colors of the flame becoming a light green. If you do not have Guidance, you will only see the shadowy figure and it will always be Armored, with Armor Broken Immunity and Daze Immunity. Upon defeating said mini-boss, he will say:
"Good job on defeating them. Now let us continue."
He will then be able to be maneuvered again. If it happens to be in a dead end, you will not be able to move in a wrong direction, as he will not try.
Upon reaching a boss room, he will raise his lantern just as before and release seven flames into the room. He will say this as they flow to their positions, making a square shape within the room with an open end:
"This here is (boss)…"
If it is FAMINE, he will say:
"They are known for bringing upon decay to everything that lives and moves. Their feats are rather putrid."
If it is PESTILENCE, he will say:
"They are known for bringing upon a great plague to all. Their feats are toxic in many regards."
If it is WAR, he will say:
"They are known for being relentless, killing all in cold blood. Their feats are… gruesome."
If it is DEATH, he will say:
“They are known for being the taker of life. Their feats are… as you’d expect.”
"The deaths of fellow mortals bring him life."
Enemies within the Chasm are shadow representations of various other enemies from different dungeons that lurk in the dark. No attacks that obstruct the landscape will be used.

Shadow Enemy Drops:

Potion Set 2
Attack/Defense Potions


Bracelet of Shadows
Bracelet of Shadows

Boss Concepts

Wrath will be very rush-oriented, having very strong attacks that lack range and will charge down anyone.
HP: 150,000
DEF: 15
SPD: 50
Immune to Stun
Immune to Daze
Immune to Paralyze
Immune to Slow

Potion Set 2
Attack/Defense Potions

red bag

Tier 6 Rings
Tier 6 Rings


Shield of Eternal Rage
Shield of Eternal Rage

Gluttony will be very high in health and will fire shots that move very slow but have a heavy impact. He will also constantly regenerate health.
HP: 400,000
DEF: 35
SPD: 5
Regenerates 2,000 HP per second
Immune to Slow
Immune to Stun
Immune to Armor Break

Potion Set 2
Attack/Defense Potions

red bag

Tier 6 Rings
Tier 6 Rings


Tome of the Glutton's Paradise
Gluttonous Tome

Sloth will be a powerhouse and tank but will move very, very slowly. He will also inflict Slow with every shot he makes.
HP: 250,000
DEF: 60
SPD: 10
Immune to Stun
Immune to Daze
Immune to Paralyze
Immune to Curse

Potion Set 2
Attack/Defense Potions

red bag

Tier 6 Rings
Tier 6 Rings


Armored Tortoise Shell
Armored Tortoise Shell

Lust will also chase after players, but all shots will heal her for 3x the amount of damage they deal. She will also inflict bleeding/sick to players.
HP: 200,000
DEF: 25
SPD: 40
Immune to Paralyze
Immune to Slow
Immune to Curse
Potion Set 2
Attack/Defense Potions
Tier 6 Rings
Tier 6 Rings
Skull of Relentless Lust
Skull of Relentless Lust

Greed is obviously… greedy. His shots will inflict a large array of status effects while dealing their counterpart to himself as long as a player has them.
HP: 150,000
DEF: 30
SPD: 35
Gains Speedy if Slowed/Paralyze is inflicted to a player
Gains Armored if Armor Broken is inflicted to a player
Gains Damaging if Weak/Unstable is inflicted to a player (2x damage)
Gains Berserk if Daze/Stun is inflicted to a player (fires 2x as fast)
Immune to Stun
Immune to Slow

Potion Set 2
Attack/Defense Potions

red bag

Tier 6 Rings
Tier 6 Rings


Stolen Bag of Riches
Stolen Bag of Riches

Envy will glide around the room aimlessly, and will deal large contact damage. Much like the Binding of Isaac, he will split into smaller entities that will split as well, until the smallest form is defeated on all ends. Only the last entity will drop items.
HP: 100,000, divided by 3 for every split
DEF: 20
SPD: 20
Immune to Slow
Immune to Paralyze
Immune to Daze
Immune to Stun
Immune to Curse

Potion Set 2
Attack/Defense Potions

red bag

Tier 6 Rings
Tier 6 Rings


Envious Spirit
Envious Spirit

All attacks will go in random directions in large bursts, dealing moderate damage in large groups. He will constantly move as well. Has a chance to also spawn bombs from the Shatters in a circle around himself.
HP: 175,000
DEF: 30
SPD: 20
Immune to Paralyze
Immune to Stun
Immune to Daze

Potion Set 2
Attack/Defense Potions

red bag

Tier 6 Rings
Tier 6 Rings


Seal of the Boastful
Seal of the Boastful

Pestilence is a slow killer, but a very powerful one at that. He will inflict many status effects left and right in AoEs that are hard to avoid, all of which will also inflict Bleeding and Sick to the user in combination. Fires many attacks quickly that Armor Pierce but lack a fair bit of damage and range, as well as spawning shadow entities frequently.
HP: 800,000
DEF: 50
SPD: Stationary
Immune to Slow
Immune to Paralyze
Immune to Daze
Immune to Stun
Immune to Curse

Potion Set 4
Greater Attack/Greater Defense/Life/Mana Potions

red bag

Tier 6 Rings
Tier 6 Rings
T14 Armors
Tier 14 Armors


Pestilence Assassin Set:
Venomous Blade
Gnarly Venom
Toxic Leather Armor
Memento of the Plaguebearer

Famine will be a very group-oriented boss to fight. It will spawn various entities that act as its attacks and health source for most of the fight, in the form of Horrific Colonies that have far less damage/health and fire around itself rather than towards the other side of a room. During the last phase where it itself attacks, it will have harsh attacks that deal devastating blows and make the target more susceptible to being killed by being unable to move out of the way.
HP: 1,000,000
DEF, 0
SPD: Stationary

Potion Set 4
Greater Attack/Greater Defense/Life/Mana Potions

red bag

Tier 6 Rings
Tier 6 Rings
T14 Armors
Tier 14 Armors


Famine Huntress Set:
Pterasitic Bow
Decaying Trap
Infected Leather Armor
The Cursed Ring

War is definitely a very beefed up version of Wrath with an entirely different array of possible attacks. He will focus much more on very harsh rushdowns, but will be able to be stunned while charging at a player as well as being Armor Broken. He will not if the room is not lit, however. He will also throw a large amount of bombs from the Shatters as a part of his attack.
HP: 1,200,000
DEF: 30
SPD: 60

Potion Set 4
Greater Attack/Greater Defense/Life/Mana Potions

orange bag

Bringer of War Preview
Bringer of War Skin

red bag

Tier 6 Rings
Tier 6 Rings
T14 Armors
Tier 14 Armors



War Warrior Set:
Blade of Wrath
Warlord’s Helm
Furor Impius Induti Loricam
Spirit of War

Death is definitely a fickle beast to take down. His array of attacks will make him by far the most challenging of the four main bosses due to how much more precise he is with attacks that home in on players. A lot of shots will inflict status effects that do not affect damage output, but rather survivability, since he is known for taking life. Careful of shots that deal huge damage!
HP: 1,450,000
DEF: 40
SPD: 10
Immune to Paralyze
Immune to Slow
Immune to Daze
Immune to Stun
Immune to Curse

Potion Set 4
Greater Attack/Greater Defense/Life/Mana Potions

red bag

Tier 6 Rings
Tier 6 Rings
T14 Armors
Tier 14 Armors
T13 Weapons
Tier 13 Weapons


Death Ninja Set:
Reaper’s Scythe
Bloodoath Circle
Tunic of the Reaper
Skull Amulet

A mystery… they’re the hidden horseman that is blind, so what could that mean? Who knows…?
HP: ???
DEF: ???
SPD: ???
Immune to ???

Potion Set 5
Greater Life/Greater Mana/Potion of Purity

orange bag

Pathfinder Preview
Pathfinder Skin

red bag

T14 Armors
Tier 14 Armors
T13 Weapons
Tier 13 Weapons
Tier 7 Abilities
Tier 7 Abilities


Lantern of the Lost
Lantern of the Lost

Event Robe:


Robe of Damnation
Robe of Damnation

Tier 7 Ability Drops

Tier 7 Abilities

You might recognize these. I made this a thread already, but I figured that they could be drops from here! To read the stats, go to this post.

Untiered Drops and Other Drops





Standalone Items

Pathfinder Preview Potion of Purity Bringer of War Preview

Some of these items have changes made to their stats, even if small.



Reaper’s Scythe

A scythe of myth and legend, coming from the mythical figure of Death itself. Be weary if you stand in its wake.

Damage: 150 - 180
Range: 2.95
Shot Speed: 14
Rate of Fire: 110%
Shots hit multiple targets
Ignores target defense
On Equip:
+3 Attack
+1 Defense
Fame Bonus: 6%

Bloodoath Circle

Marked with the blood of countless victims, this shuriken rips directly through enemies and their armor with the help of ancient black magic.

When Key Held:
Drain 20 MP/sec

When Key Released:
Damage: 566 - 766
Range: 9.65
Shot Speed: 16
Shot Effect:
Armor Broken for 2.7 Seconds
On Equip:
+3 Attack
MP Cost: 105
Cooldown: 1.5 Seconds
Fame Bonus: 6%

Tunic of the Reaper

The blood of an ancient reaper remains forever stained against this cloak. Even still, it remains a very powerful piece of armor.

On Equip:
+15 Defense
+4 Attack
+4 Dexterity
-5 Speed
Fame Bonus: 6%

Skull Amulet

It is said that this amulet is marked with a death curse for any who dare to wear it, or even look upon its face.

On Equip:
+80 Maximum HP
+4 Defense
+4 Attack
+4 Dexterity
-4 Speed
Fame Bonus: 6%



Blade of Wrath

An ancient weapon, imbued with the spirits of a thousand warlords that seek nothing but blood. Its end brings more suffering than any other.

Damage: 255 - 285
Range: 2.25
Shot Speed: 14
Rate of Fire: 110%
On Equip:
+3 Attack
-2 Speed
Fame Bonus: 6%

Warlord’s Helm

A blood red helmet with golden horns to signify the call of a true warrior.

Party Effect:
Berserk for 7 Seconds in 4 Squares
Party Effect:
Damaging for 2.5 Seconds in 3 Squares
Enemy Effect:
175 Damage in 4 Squares
Effect on Self:
Sick for 2.5 Seconds
On Equip:
+12 Defense
+2 Attack
-2 Speed
Cooldown: 8.5 Seconds
MP Cost: 100
Fame Bonus: 6%

Furor Impius Induti Loricam

Berserk spirits are infused with this plate of armor. It calls out the name of those that the wearer wishes death upon the most.

On Equip:
+20 Defense
+5 Dexterity
-5 Speed
Fame Bonus: 6%

Spirit of War

The flaming spirit of the most vicious horseman of them all. It burns with rage unlike any other.

On Equip:
+9 Speed
+5 Dexterity
+5 Defense
Fame Bonus: 6%



Venomous Blade

A wondrously dark dagger steeped in the most vile venom imaginable. The venom’s properties give a kick that would make even the gods of the Tomb tremble.

Damage: 80 - 155
Range: 5.25
Shot Speed: 16
Rate of Fire: 105%
Ignores target defense
Fame Bonus: 6%

Gnarly Venom

An eerily dark venom that can barely be contained even within the bottle it is kept in. Its effects are so vicious that it hinders the enemy’s ability to function temporarily.

Poison Grenade:
725 Damage in 3 Squares over 2.8 Seconds (125 impact damage)
Enemy Effect:
Slowed for 2.7 Seconds in 2.8 Squares
Dazed for 1.2 Seconds in 2 Squares
On Equip:
+30 Maximum MP
Cooldown: 2 Seconds
MP Cost: 115
Fame Bonus: 6%

Toxic Leather Armor

This piece of leather is imbued with a ghastly venom, altered with magic to provide qualities to the user that others cannot.

On Equip:
+15 Defense
+25 Maximum HP
+40 Maximum MP
+3 Attack
Fame Bonus: 6%

Memento of the Plaguebearer

An immortal reminder of the devastating effects of Pestilence.

On Equip:
+50 Maximum HP
+80 Maximum MP
+5 Defense
+2 Attack
+5 Dexterity
Fame Bonus: 6%



Pterasitic Bow

A disgusting bow that’s covered in a parasitic disease that reeks of decay. Whatever this bow used to be made of, it cannot be distinguished now.

Shots: 2
Damage: 160
Range: 6
Shot Speed: 7
Rate of Fire: 80%
Shots hit multiple targets
Shots curve inwards
On Equip:
-3 Vitality
Fame Bonus: 6%
(The curve of shots replicates that of the Horror Maw in the Parasite Chambers.)

Decaying Trap

A vile trap that will rot away at anything that comes into contact with it. This used to be used in competition to the many plagues of Pestilence, but it now rests as the seed of different disasters.

Trap: 0 Damage in 4 Squares
1 second to arm
Duration: 15 seconds
Steals Health and damages enemies in its range over time
Deals 75 Damage per second
Steals 20 HP per second for every target in range
On Equip:
+2 Attack
+2 Dexterity
-3 Speed
-2 Vitality
MP Cost: 125
Cooldown: 3 Seconds
Fame Bonus: 6%

Infected Leather Armor

According to ancient myths, this leather used to be that of an ancient hero, destined to defeat the Four Horsemen… unfortunately, he failed, and his fine armor is now under the control of infection.

On Equip:
+18 Defense
+4 Attack
+3 Speed
-40 Maximum HP
Fame Bonus: 6%

The Cursed Ring

This ring was once said to cure any illness and mend all wounds to those that wore it. Its effects are now sapped from it by a decay that never ends, negating its infinite power.

On Equip:
+90 Maximum HP
+50 Maximum MP
+4 Dexterity
+5 Speed
+5 Vitality
Fame Bonus: 6%

Standalone UTs

Standalone Items Robe of Damnation

Lantern of the Lost

The soul of Conquest contained within a bright lantern acquired deep into the depths of the Chasm. It provides light to those that hold it, but it requires a hand, and makes it harder to attack.

On Equip:
+225 Maximum HP
-40 Maximum MP
-4 Attack
-4 Dexterity
-4 Speed
Fame Bonus: 7%

Armored Tortoise Shell

The soul of the sin of Sloth, latched onto an unusually heavy plate of armor. It is very strong, and even has magical capabilities that provide the wearer with power, but hinders movement.

On Equip:
+26 Defense
+50 Maximum HP
-10 Speed
Fame Bonus: 6%

Envious Spirit

The soul of the sin of Envy, latched onto the end of a wand cursed with a seal of darkness. Its soul sways from left to right in attempts to gaze upon anything around it.

Damage: 115 - 190
Range: 9.76
Shot Speed: 19
Rate of Fire: 90%
Shots hit multiple targets
Ignores target defense
Shots spin in a spiral, moving outwards
On Equip:
+25 Maximum MP
Fame Bonus: 6%

Gluttonous Tome

The soul of the sin of Gluttony, latched onto a very unusually-made tome. While it fulfills the user and their allies quite a healthy amount, it adds a full sensation to its user.

Heal: (315 if Wis < 30; 315 + wis x 2 if Wis >= 30) in (3.5 if Wis < 30; 3.5 + wis/45 if Wis >= 30) squares
Party Effect:
Healing for (4.5 if Wis < 30; 4.5 + [3 x wis/100] if Wis >= 30) seconds in (3.5 if Wis < 50; 3.5 + wis/45 if Wis >= 30) squares
Effect on Self:
Slowed for 2 Seconds
On Equip:
-5 Speed
+65 Maximum HP
MP Cost: 110
Cooldown: 1.5 Seconds
Fame Bonus: 6%

Skull of Relentless Lust

The soul of the sin of Lust, latched onto her very skull with a fine tiara included. It hunts and hungers for endless power, and is not afraid to sap every last bit of life from its target.

Damage: (200 wis < 50; 200+[wis-50]x5 if 50 >= wis)
Defense Ignored: 30
Radius: 3.33
Heal: 200
Heal Range: 6 (+0.6 for every 12 wis above 50)
On Equip:
+100 Maximum HP
-5 Defense
MP Cost: 145
Cooldown: 1.5 Seconds
Fame Bonus: 6%

Seal of the Boastful

The soul of the sin of Pride, latched onto a remarkably unusual seal marked with unrecognizable signs. Its effects are just as odd as its design.

Party Effect:
Damaging for (2.7 if Wis < 30; 2.7 + [3 x wis/17] if Wis >= 30) seconds in (4.5 if Wis < 30; 4.5 + [3 x wis/100] if Wis >= 30) squares
Berserk for (2.7 if Wis < 30; 2.7 + [3 x wis/17] if Wis >= 30) seconds in (4.5 if Wis < 30; 4.5 + [3 x wis/100] if Wis >= 30) squares
Effect on Self:
Speedy for 2.5 Seconds
Sick for 4 Seconds
Armor Broken for 2 Seconds
On Equip:
+5 Attack
+20 Maximum HP
MP Cost: 115
Cooldown: 2 Seconds
Fame Bonus: 6%

Shield of Eternal Rage

The soul of the sin of Wrath, latched onto a shield which forever has a flame burning at its center. Being a metaphorical brother to War, they share similar tastes.

Shots: 8 (45 degrees)
Damage: 500 - 725
Range: 2.7
Shot Speed: 18
Shots hit multiple targets
Ignores target defense
Shots ignore obstacles
On Equip:
+15 Defense
+3 Dexterity
-5 Speed
MP Cost: 115
Cooldown: 1 Second
Fame Bonus: 6%

Stolen Bag of Riches

The soul of the sin of Greed, latched onto the last of his reapings of countless unaware victims of theft. It rattles every time you move, which creates a fun jingle.

Fires shots instead of throwing poison
Shots: 3 (10 degrees)
Damage: 350 - 500
Range: 5.7
Shot Speed: 10
Shots hit multiple targets
On Equip:
+7 Attack
+5 Speed
-5 Dexterity
MP Cost: 115
Cooldown: 1 Second
Fame Bonus: 6%

Bracelet of Shadows

Peace laments everywhere; although, sometimes effervescent. Hellish, ever lingering, progressing… managing escape.

On Equip:
+75 Maximum HP
+75 Maximum MP
+3 Defense
+3 Dexterity
+3 Wisdom
Fame Bonus: 6%

Robe of Damnation

A vile and powerful robe that comes from the depths of an unknown world. It is riddled with banished power.

On Equip:
+11 Defense
+105 Maximum MP
+5 Wisdom
Fame Bonus: 6%


Potion of Purity

Potion of Purity

A glowing potion that emanates a warm aura around it. It provides an extract of every potion equivalent to one dose of each type known to mortals.

Permanently increases Maximum HP by 5
Permanently increases Maximum MP by 5
Permanently increases Attack by 1
Permanently increases Defense by 1
Permanently increases Speed by 1
Permanently increases Dexterity by 1
Permanently increases Vitality by 1
Permanently increases Wisdom by 1


Pathfinder Skin

He carries the lantern that will guide you through the darkness. The evil within him has been vanquished, so there is no more reason to fear.
Class: Wizard

Bringer of War

Bringer of War Skin

While others may be focused on teamwork and strategy, this fearsome brute will do anything to gain as much power, even if it means destroying everything in his way.
Class: Warrior

This dungeon is still a work in progress due to the fact that I am not very experienced with making shot patterns or making enemy sprites. If you are able to help, then it would be very much appreciated! Just send me a PM over RealmEye or add me on Google Hangouts at

Thank you for reading!

If you want to keep up with progress, then go to this link!

Also, a big thank you to these people for lending a hand:

Edit: A new item has been added! It will drop from the event that this dungeon drops from as a White Bag.

Best of the Best Nominations - December 2017
Chasm of Great Evil Sets/Items (MOVED)
Sword of Dark Energy
Chasm of Great Evil Set Reduction Poll
Pathfinder/Bringer of War - Chasm Skins
Gluttony and Wrath
Wrath of the Unholy/Immaculate Reflection (Prisms)
Chasm of Great Evil Sets/Items (MOVED)
Robe of Damnation - Chasm of Great Evil

Make this Best of the Best now


Didn’t read anything, too long and too lazy. Ahhhhhhhhhhh…


Well then thanks for taking the time to click on the post.


Wow. 9.5/10
Almost PuffaGod’s level.
Make this best of the best.


took the time to read through it. Nice job! :+1:


Didn’t read it, but I will soon, however I remember most these UTs from your other thread and they are pretty awesome

Edit: I read it and this dungeon is just beautiful, the UT armor (turtle) I would use on every warrior ever, and the UT trap is cool, the skins are cool but the coolest concept is Guidance, it adds a fun mechanic that is really what makes this dungeon unique

(The part I find ironic is that people love this dungeon and then say that the Void has too many UTs)


The sprites look fantastic, I don’t have time now to read the whole thing but just from skimming through it it looks great! :smiley:


Make sure to look for the changes made! Some got buffs, some got nerfs, some got tweaks.


Great to hear that you like it! It was great to make the concept of. Imagine the full product…


Well damn. The tiara on her head even fits well.


This is actually a great idea. If you have to keep the “Guidance” alive, I can only see the trolling potential at the start of the dungeon. Everything else looks :fire:


Players can’t harm him, only enemies can. It’s sort of like a joint extra player, and there’s already anti-trolling methods for the maneuvering of him.


Insane amount of work.

Deserves to be in the best of the best.


Ahhhh, makes sense. I read that wrong lol. Sounds pretty neat.


Love the dungeon, idk how to feel about the super ring of Decades lantern though.


The idea behind it is to be purely for survival, and not for dealing DPS. That’s why it takes away so much Att/Dex/Spd/MP. It’s a “play it safe” ring, much like Crown is a “fuck everything up” ring.


Ah I see. Thanks for clarification, I would have thought of it as a supercharge all stats ring at the cost of using your ability, though that seems a lot less worth it now that I say it. I like the safety ring better


I’m worried about you guys, by the way. Three of you are saying it deserves to be in Best of the Best, but there’s not even enemies for it yet…

(By the way, there’s a secret message in one of the descriptions that matches the theme of what the item is about if you can find it. You might have to look through the letters rather than the words themselves…)


That just means that the overall concept is good

I thought the same thing as I read through it