People who dont like to use this forum, why?


This forum is actually dying.


Not really. Statistics tell me we plateaued some time ago, however. I’m curious to see if it’s the same for /r/rotmg (@zxcv, you around?) as I suspect this is more a reflection of the RotMG community than RealmEye specifically.

Here’s a chart plotting posts per day over the last couple years. Daily active users (aka who either posted or clicked a like button) has also remained fairly steady over the same period.


But some of my ideas used to get more views and attention, when I look at it not
now some catergories get a lot less attention and posts than they did back when I first started using these forums.


at the risk of sounding needlessly antagonistic, maybe that’s because your other stuff was actually more interesting or appealing than your newer stuff? :thinking:

I wouldn’t know myself, I don’t check ideas all that often. but there are definitely people around.


he used to do larger projects. individual item ideas like ones he’s been doing recently inherently get less attention.

smaller ideas or less controversial ones such as those have less motivated posters, and thus have less potential to get bumped and be seen on realmeye’s front page. i don’t think off-topic threads appear on the front page at all.

anyways, i looked at your topic history, and nothing suggests a drop in activity. your posts and views per idea have remained relatively constant, so unless you’re referring to likes and not activity in general, i don’t see anything out of the ordinary.


Created on the 5th of February 2018: 671 views and 2 likes.

Created on the 23rd of August 2018: 295 views and 4 likes.

The views have steadily decreased with item ideas and a lot of #off-topic:forum-games get the same set of useres on them now, hardly much attention from all of the users anymore.

I see far less of the users that used to be quite active on here, that is evidently showing less activity in general.

My view:like ratio is actually better off now than it was before because the users that were active used to either click and not read or just read and not like/respond.

With the Ascended Chamber compared to the Septaract they’re both larger-scale projects for me and I gotta say, more effort went into the Septaract. However, the Septaract recieved around half of the views that the AC did, but with a better view:like ratio.

That even goes for a lot of recent posts, I mean when was the last time a post got to #ideas:best?


It’s been read less since it has only been posted for a month, the other one has been up for 7 months.

For a valid comparison, you would need to know how many times the other topic had been viewed by March.


…you’re unironically comparing posts that are about 2 weeks old to posts that are on the verge of closing? you can’t just pick and choose this shit, ya know.

you posted this 24 days ago, and it has 600+ views, comparable to your 7 month old golden ankh. if you can cherrypick, then so can i.


But the whole point is that recent posts get less views anyway.


If there were a way to check monthly statustics I’d pull them up.

But did you read the whole thing?

I’ve seen a lot of recent inactivity anyway.

Also, I doubt that something I posted a month ago will even get views anywhere closer to the 7th moneth old one unless it gets bumped, even then I doubt it would get anywhere near that.


Nice reading

And how do you see inactivity?


Just some users that I used to see a lot in certain sections haven’t really been present in my eyes.

Maybe I’m in the wrong sections though.




DECA don’t visit regularly to see what we are up to :unamused:


Those two spikes, Christmas giveaway and…motmg I want to say?

And yes school is starting up so less activity in general. This forums isn’t dying, if you want that one back 2 years Kabam forums lol. Ask doc for depressing stories.


As a frequent user of both, reddit and forums, personally I can say that forums are more active. But then again that goes to the fact that the activity is a lot of small replies that don’t contribute anything. The community of real in depth discussions is limited to few players (Redox being the number one person that I see) and it just makes browsing either get boring after awhile. I don’t play every day but I brose both everyday and I just wish people would have a more open perspective. Wether or not DECA sees any of this the player base itself has a narrow opinion as to the way the game should work because of already existing ideas so people only want completely unique ideas to live alongside currently existing mechanics. Most people complain about having “new” anything but then complaim that it’s not new enough. Until people get their heads out of their asses the inactivity is going to continue and we can only hope that it’ll change.


@Redox You have a fan :stuck_out_tongue:


Damn right.


and @Dreadigon

Yayyyyyy :smile:.

for Dreadigon

…But why? :smile:


Reddit certainly saw a bump for MotMG, @Doc.

We’ll see if it continues into September or not.