Best 6 Classes


Heya, what 6 classes do you think are the best. I’m currently going for a wizzy and a pally/knight, but i’m wondering what else you guys would recommend?

Rotmg - Class Tier List
Favorite classes?

In all honesty, i think that the top best classes from number 6 are; Assassin, Rogue, Paladin, Ninja, Wizard, Knight.


I reckon, Archer/Huntress (Basically same class), Wizard, Rogue, Knight, Warrior, Paladin. These are my best 6 :333 Tbh I just love classes which are easy to get dps with, so yea.


mystic wizard rogue warrior paladin ( EITHER BOW CLASS IF YOU HAVE A UT BOW )


some other topics if you want to read, some are pretty similar.

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this last one is a results of a huge survey.


“The Best” is very subject to opinion, But my top 6 are Priest>Priest>Priest>Priest>Priest>Rogupriest. :innocent:


knight, warrior. wizard, archer, paladin, rogue


i like melees for the damage, but i also like ranged classes cause they are safer. i would go with warrior,knight,assassin,wizard,archer,rogue


Well it really depends on your playstyle but my personal favorites are: Archer, Paladin, Wizard, Sorcerer, Knight, and Rogue


If someone says warrior I’m gonna murder them, but here are e mine:

Trickster - extremely mobile, amazing for rushing anything, getting yourself out from a pinch

Wizard- with both offensive stats capping out out 75, I love wizard for its dps. It also has the best looking abilities imo.

sorc - the extra long range from from the scepter and wand assure that you can almost never die, even if you a lot of debuffs

Mystic - a similar reason to trickster, the mystics stasis assures you can keep you self alive, while the extra curse and range solidifies a continuous damage output.

Assassin - by far a truly unique class to play, you are able to deal heavy damage into remote areas where others may not be able to reach, easily getting lots on loot from dirty even bosses and wine cellars

Huntress - a very similar ability to the assasin, you are able to retain some of the remote damage, along with a very power bow and an att stat capping out at 75. I picked huntress over archer because the archers quiver isn’t as amiable, whilst huntress items also being more attainable, and since both have the same max stats, the huntress is easier to use.


I think that this is debatable. It kind of depends on your skill level, newer players would find the quiver easier to deal damage with and the archer overall easier than having to predict enemy patterns on where to throw your trap.


It’s all the distance. It’s not well thought out to debate in comments, I’ll make a new topic.


Waiting for the argument about mystic being the best class for skilled players.

To answer your question: Knight, Paladin, Wizard, Archer, Priest, and Rogue.


Knight- The easiest class to use for almost any pet. Everyone knows stunning is broken and with knight max mp > mp regen making mp heal irrelevant but still helpful. 1-2 stuns = loot almost all the time. The only complaint about this class is things like o2 or tombs would be impossible for an unskilled player.

Paladin- With a max rare or above pet this class is unstoppable. Rare pet users will be able to spam their seals long enough for almost any situation while legendary/divine users get to heal mindlessly without worry about saving mp for bad situations. It gets a damaging and healing buff from the seal allowing it to stay in long enough to get sb damage on most bosses and keep friends alive as well.

Wizard- This class is great for new players and amazing for experienced players. The spellbomb will allow you to get damage in from a safe distance and the staff has crazy high dps thanks to this classes 75 atk/dex. Obviously this class is squishy but the range definitely makes up for it.

Archer- Slowness, paralyze, and daze. All of the best debuffs (minus stun) in one class. Paralyze will make any enemy a sitting duck but you should use it sparingly to avoid skrewing over low range classes. Slowness is amazing for situations when paralyze can’t be/shouldn’t be used. Daze is often underestimated, and I can understand why, but I love this about the archer for the simple reason that almost nothing is immune unlike the other debuffs. Be warned that this class can usually only be used effectively with ut bows, which can be quite rare.

Priest- This class would make an amazing 2nd (or 4th, like you need) character. I would not recommend this as your 1st/main character as you will not get loot from a lot of bosses where you are competing against multiple people for sb damage. If you value survive-ability and being a team player over dps then this is your class. Unkillable.

Rogue- Solo god. If you like to farm pots alone or just do anything alone then you can’t go wrong with this class. It’s pretty self-explanatory why it’s amazing at solo play (invisibility) but you should probably wait until you have a legendary pet to most effectively use this class.


Not sure what you mean by that statement about the Mystic, I’d definitely like to hear an elaboration on why later.

The top 6 classes in my opinion, excluding personal bias. (Ranked in no particular order.)


Mystic: The Mystic is like a Wizard, Warrior/Paladin, and Knight combined. She not only has the long range supplied by her staff, but she has the ability to completely remove an opponent from battle with her stasis.
The best places to use stasis is 2nd Shatters boss, on Blizzard to allow the party to easily kill the other,
3rd Shatters boss, on the orbs, specifically the paralysis one,
and dirty Tombs.
The curse effect is similar to the party berserk and damaging buff, but it is not as powerful, however, curse is not affected by daze or weakness so it will always provide a damage boost.
Finally the self berserk buff, the Mystic’s DPS is not too great, but with this buff she can rival even a Wizard, but if a warrior comes along this trait will be quite useless.

Paladin: A melee class with high survivability through his healing abilities. The Paladin can raise the max HP of himself and surrounding players, which has a few benefits versus the Priest and Necromancer’s heals. His heals can prepare a party before they take damage and can heal past the sickness effect.
He also has the damaging buff to turn a party into walking chainsaws.

Knight: The Knights surpasses all survivability through his sheer defense and stun. Not only can he take powerful hits, but he can remove the opponent’s ability to fight back. Quite straightforward.

Warrior: My least favorite class, but undoubtedly one of the most powerful in the game. The immense amount of damage a warrior can do is multiplied with his berserk buff. On top of that his self Speedy effect can get him from point a to point b in a flash and around or through a mass of enemies in a pinch.

Rogue: The safest class when alone. The Rogue is extremely fast and doesn’t need to worry about getting hit because he is invisible about 84.6…% of the time.

Wizard: Massive DPS at a distance. The Wizard can punch through powerful monsters with ease without needing to get close. Possibly the most simple class in the game. (Personally not a fan of this class either.)

Eh, kinda rushed the end bit, but I feel I got my point across.


Necro w/ shaitan skull
Knight w/ ogmur
Warrior w/ jugg


I always see people argue over the mystic being a viable class or not. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet because I would happily argue against the mystic being viable. If you like using it that’s great though, no hate.


I can see where you are coming from; the majority of Mystics will get in the way, whether on purpose or not. Some are inexperienced with the class and some are mischievous.
I’d say she is the class that travels the furthest uphill and downhill.


For most players it’s downhill. I can see the upsides of using a mystic, it does have more weapon dps than a wizard but that doesn’t change my view on it.


Really depends on if you are long range or short range.


Problem with these types of questions is you never really specify what you’re looking to do. I suppose you could “all around” but people still have differing variations of “all around”.

For example, whereas normal game play might not require rogue as much, rogues are invaluable for tomb rages.

Though if you’re looking for ideal, look at former multis. They always had pally, warrior, priest, a ranged DPS (dbow / wizard) as their core classes compositions.