Best of the Best Nominations - December 2017




Tbh this is one of the best.


Does the like button count as a +1 nomination? If someone nominates something just like their post instead of posting it again? If not probably should because that makes the most sense.


I was thinking so, yes. “Top 10” is a bit vague, but it will be some combination of nomination count + nomination like count + idea thread replies + idea thread likes.


Well would you look at that

Square set coming in at number 4 :wink: (number 1 out of non-best of the best ideas)


I gotta say, the demigod class and ST Square set gave me a good laugh.


I nominate this.

Well its pretty good, not that great but good…

But Puffagod, who has gotten into the Best o Best 2 times, believes

If he thinks its worthy, I do too.


I honestly think that this post deserves it, but I highly doubt it’s going to win. Still worth a shot though :wink:


Best of the Best is for ideas, not best threads on the entire forum.

Though that’s not a bad idea for a new year thing.


It’s not an ideas post itself, but most of the replies are of new ideas that are pretty interesting to read/consider.


I nominate myself


You’re fired.


No u


some of the best art i’ve ever seen. If this doesn’t win, idk what will.


Those who calls himself king has no right to be one.

Also, shameless plug, even though this wasn’t my proudest idea. It certainly is the most popular one.

Personally, I want to go with the clocktower but since that has been taken,

This dungeon is criminally underlooked.


well would you look at that

clock tower is the top non-shitpost idea that isn’t in there already

on a more serious note, I sincerely hope that the square set does not get moved. yes, it’s really funny, I’ll admit that. but we get enough admittedly stupid and mind-bogglingly half-assed shitposts that get passed off as “ideas” as it is. setting a role model for them only increases their number, and as moderators have insisted numerous times: “We’re not reddit”.

to the next five people who tell me I’m “wrong” and that the square set “must be moved”: 10,000 shames upon your house. even the best joke is still a joke.


If square set gets put in best of the best im WCing it.


Clock tower. As a dungeon designer myself, its a complete masterpiece and I would love to see it.


best idea


I hope it doesn’t become flooded with sub-par ideas after the first few rounds…
Maybe put a special ‘vintage’ tag on the ones already up there or edit their descriptions to explain that they were the original elite, I rather enjoyed feeling special!

That said, this should have been up there long ago: