History of Colossus Shield

24 (P)Colossus Shieldupdate priceOnionDan2021-11-09 21:28:011122 (+28)49 (+7)
23 (C|P)Colossus Shieldupdated xp bonusWrm2020-10-15 20:39:001094 (0)42 (+1)
22 (C|P)Colossus ShieldconsistencyReza2020-09-14 18:16:021094 (-19)41 (0)
21 (C|P)Colossus Shieldupdate im... historyReza2020-09-14 18:10:451113 (-24)41 (-1)
20 (C|P)Colossus Shieldtemplate fixReza2020-06-08 20:27:531137 (+11)42 (+2)
19 (C|P)Colossus Shieldremoved o...s reskinReza2020-03-18 18:25:211126 (-194)40 (+3)
18 (C|P)Colossus ShieldRemoved o...ed note.Vlad2020-02-27 04:57:431320 (-207)37 (0)
17 (C|P)Colossus ShieldupdateTimymelon2020-02-26 16:05:311527 (-2)37 (0)
16 (C|P)Colossus Shieldfixed descTeegey2020-02-22 07:14:041529 (+40)37 (0)
15 (C|P)Colossus ShieldonyxDragon2020-02-16 02:49:271489 (+194)37 (0)
14 (C|P)Colossus ShieldtemplateDragon2020-02-16 02:04:101295 (+188)37 (+6)
13 (C|P)Colossus Shieldadded templateTheRealCircus2019-03-19 00:10:201107 (+41)31 (+15)
12 (C|P)Colossus Shieldmalus drop addedMakaraesdd2018-10-23 07:22:251066 (+21)16 (+1)
11 (C|P)Colossus Shieldadded marble + voidNoobWaffle2018-08-06 03:43:541045 (+74)15 (0)
10 (C|P)Colossus ShieldnaviDragon2017-06-26 02:12:02971 (-1807)15 (+4)
9 (C|P)Colossus Shieldadd esbenHerdidi2017-05-29 08:10:092778 (+50)11 (0)
8 (C|P)Colossus Shieldreplace navtableDragon2016-12-30 23:53:412728 (-380)11 (-2)
7 (C|P)Colossus ShieldJust some... notice.Autumn2016-10-04 22:32:253108 (+210)13 (0)
6 (C|P)Colossus ShieldSome mark...n ShieldVeritan2016-07-04 16:39:382898 (-120)13 (0)
5 (C|P)Colossus Shieldadded sha...to dropsANDYDONO2015-05-26 22:51:063018 (+153)13 (0)
4 (C|P)Colossus ShieldTables = fixed.WhiteYoshi2015-01-10 09:20:262865 (+134)13 (+1)
3 (C|P)Colossus ShieldCleaned u...vigationVeritan2014-06-19 01:01:232731 (-197)12 (0)
2 (C|P)Colossus Shieldbit indexSven2013-12-07 19:27:282928 (+1050)12 (+9)
1 (C)Colossus ShieldFrom the old wikiMrEyeball2013-11-21 13:49:161878