Defense Chart (Rev. 2)

Defense is: Straight 1 point per 1 damage reduction, but caps at 85% of total damage.
Because of this, every damage number in the game has a minimum amount of damage it will hurt a player for.

In other words: If a projectile hits you for 50 damage, and you have 50 defense, you will take 7 damage from that projectile because of the 85% reduction cap; 50 - 42.5 (85% of 50) = 7.5, which rounds down to 7 in realm.

Therefore the minimum damage of 50 is 7.

Because of the cap, you only need a defense stat of 43 to defend against a projectile that does 50 damage. any additional defense won’t matter.

The table list a projectile’s damage, the minimum damage that projectile can do, and the minimum defense a player needs to take the minimum damage from that projectile.

Projectile Damage Minimum Damage Minimum Defense
1 0 1
5 0 5
10 1 9
15 2 13
20 3 17
25 3 17
30 4 26
35 6 29
40 6 34
45 7 38
50 7 43
55 8 47
60 9 51
65 9 56
70 10 60
75 11 64
80 12 68
85 12 73
90 13 77
95 14 81
100 15 85
110 16 96
120 18 102
125 18 107
150 22 128
175 26 149
200 30 170