Template: Ability stats

Feed Power


| tier=
| setGen=
| set=
| mp=
| onEquip=
| damageBoost=
| effect=
| summons=
| summonLifetime=
| keyHeld=
| keyReleased=
| throwTime=
| shots=
| arcGap=
| shots=
| arcGap=
| dmg=
| minDmg=
| maxDmg=
| avgDmg=
| minTotalDmg=
| maxTotalDmg=
| avgTotalDmg=
| impactDmg=
| dmgOverTime=
| defIgnored=
| projSpd=
| lifetime=
| range=
| prismDecoyDistance=
| prismDecoyMvtTime=
| duration=
| radius=
| trapTriggerRadius=
| trapExplosionRadius=
| trueRange=
| amplitude=
| frequency=
| acceleration=
| accelerationDelay=
| speedClamp=
| maxCastRange=
| skullHeal=
| skullHealRange=
| scepterTargetingCone=
| scepterTargets=
| shockblastDamage=
| shockblastTargets=
| shockblastRange=
| shockblastTriggers=
| sheathMultiply=
| sheathMultiplyStat=
| sheathMultiplyDuration=
| sheathDashDistance=
| sheathTrailDamage=
| sheathDashNumber=
| proc=
| rangeMultiplier=
| cooldown=
| powerLevel=
| fameBonus=
| sb=
| fp=
| mythicalMats=
| mythicalMatsCost=
| forgeFireST=
| forgeTier=SS/S/A/B/C/D
| forgable=true
| forgeItemReq=
| forgeItemAmount=
| forgeUpgradeToken=
| forgeUpgradeTokenAmount=
| forgeUpgradeItem=
| forgeDescription=
| unlockSlotCost=;

For soulbound items, sb should contain “true”.
For items which can be created in forge, forgable should contain “true”, alongside having forgeTier defined. These two parameters together fill out Dismantling Value and (optionally) Forging Cost. Optionally forgeMarkType and forgeMarkAmount can specify mark cost (type is equal to lower-case and dashed ingame name of a mark excluding “Mark of the” at the beginning, for example void-entity, septavius, exalted-god). Optionally forgeItemReq and forgeItemAmount can specify dungeon/set of dungeons and amount certain UTs witch require to dismantle for crafting top-tier dungeons items.
unlockSlotCost can specify the cost of unlocking enchantment slot for the UT items.