Appetizer Rogue Set

Please note this content is currently Unreleased and not available to obtain in-game other than through administrator powers.

Appetizer Rogue
Class Rogue
Themed on The Appetizer
Overall Stat Bonus +50 HP, +50 MP, 19 DEF, +15 WIS, +5 DEX
Final Stats at 8/8 770 HP, 302 MP, 50 ATT, 44 DEF, 75 SPD, 80 DEX, 40 VIT, 65 WIS
Total XP Bonus 21%
Soulbound Soulbound
Released Unreleased

The Appetizer Rogue Set is an unreleased UT Themed Set.

The items were added into the games XML files in Exalt Version (Sep 2020) most likely set to drop from the new event boss The Appetizer; however, the set never dropped and is considered scrapped despite it still remaining within the games’ files.