Archived Enemies (Rev. 1)

These enemies no longer spawn in the realm. Either they were completely replaced, completely removed from the game code, or simply have no chance to spawn.

Skeleton King The Skeleton King was a resident of the Undead Lair. In Build 111 of the Wild Shadow Era, it was replaced with the Lair Skeleton King.
Fire Sparrow In Build 114 of the Wild Shadow Era, the Phoenix Lord and Pyre setpiece was introduced. The Fire Sparrow was an enemy associated with the Phoenix Lord. It was never used in game.
Undead Dwarf Veteran The Undead Dwarf Veteran was once a follower of the Undead Dwarf God. Sometime between Build 114 and Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, the Undead Dwarf Veteran was removed.
Orc The Orc was once a follower of the Orc King. Sometime between Build 114 and Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, the Orc was removed.
Orc Veteran The Orc Veteran was once a follower of the Orc King. Sometime between Build 114 and Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, the he was removed.
Dwarf Warrior The Dwarf Warrior was once a follower of the Dwarf King. Sometime between Build 114 and Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, the he was removed.
Demon Mage The Demon Mage was once one of the demons who guarded the lava fissures with the Red Demon. Possibly in Testing Build 117.5 of the Wild Shadow Era, the Demon Mage was removed.
Ice Golem The Ice Golem was a Mid Forest enemy that had the power of self-replication. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, it was removed from the game.
Glass Golem The Glass Golem was a Mid Forest enemy that had the power of self-replication. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, it was removed from the game.
Gobin The Goblin was a Low Forest enemy that used to follow the Goblin Mage. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, it was removed from the game.
Ogre The Ogre was a High Forest Enemy. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, it was removed from the game.
Night Elf Queen The Night Elf Queen was a High Forest Enemy. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, it was removed from the game.
Dark Elf Queen The Dark Elf Queen was a Mid Forest Enemy that commanded the Dark Elf group. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, it was removed from the game, and the Dark Elf group was replaced by the Werecats group (Werelion, Weretiger, Wereleopard, Werepanther).
Dark Elf Warrior The Dark Elf Warrior was a Mid Forest Enemy that followed the Dark Elf Queen. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, it was removed from the game, and the Dark Elf group was replaced by the Werecats group (Werelion, Weretiger, Wereleopard, Werepanther).
Dark Elf Veteran The Dark Elf Veteran was a Mid Forest Enemy that followed the Dark Elf Queen. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, it was removed from the game, and the Dark Elf group was replaced by the Werecats group (Werelion, Weretiger, Wereleopard, Werepanther).
Dark Elf Archer The Dark Elf Archer was a Mid Forest Enemy that followed the Dark Elf Queen. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, it was removed from the game, and the Dark Elf group was replaced by the Werecats group (Werelion, Weretiger, Wereleopard, Werepanther).
Dark Elf Mage The Dark Elf Mage was a Mid Forest Enemy that followed the Dark Elf Queen. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, it was removed from the game, and the Dark Elf group was replaced by the Werecats group (Werelion, Weretiger, Wereleopard, Werepanther).
Ghost Knight The Ghost Knight was an enemy that protected the Ghost King. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, Ghost King started spawning the Small, Medium, and Large Ghosts and the Ghost Master instead.
Ghost Rogue The Ghost Rogue was an enemy that protected the Ghost King. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, Ghost King started spawning the Small, Medium, and Large Ghosts and the Ghost Master instead.
Ghost Warrior The Ghost Warrior was an enemy that protected the Ghost King. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, Ghost King started spawning the Small, Medium, and Large Ghosts and the Ghost Master instead.
Ghost Paladin The Ghost Paladin was an enemy that protected the Ghost King. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, Ghost King started spawning the Small, Medium, and Large Ghosts and the Ghost Master instead.
Ghost Mage The Ghost Mage was an enemy that protected the Ghost King. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, Ghost King started spawning the Small, Medium, and Large Ghosts and the Ghost Master instead.
Ghost Archer The Ghost Archer was an enemy that protected the Ghost King. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, Ghost King started spawning the Small, Medium, and Large Ghosts and the Ghost Master instead.
Elf Veteran The Elf Veteran used to protect the Elf Wizard. In Build 118 of the Wild Shadow Era, it was retired.
Pentaract Tower Ultra In testing , before the Pentaract was released on prod, killing all 5 towers in time would result in the spawning of the Ultra Pentaract Tower, that would drop all the loot. The developers eventually changed it after players disagreed with it. Seen in Testing Server Build 122.2.1 then removed in Testing 122.3.1.