Limon the Sprite God (Rev. 28)

Last updated: 8.0.0

Limon the Sprite God is the boss of the Sprite World. Limon moves quickly unlike most other sprite gods or dungeon bosses.



HP: 9000
DEF: 16
EXP: 630
Location: Sprite World

Counts toward God Kills
Levitates off ground
Immune to Stasis
Level 1 Quest

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Condition effects
Speed (tiles/sec)
Range (tiles)
Red Fire


Battle Phases:

1) Dashes to the nearest player and circles them. Constantly makes sudden movements towards the closest player. During this phase, she fires her bullets in a constant 4-bullet barrage, 2 are shot towards the player in a V-shape. The other 2 bullets are shot perpendicular to the player. Limon is vulnerable twice, once at the very start and again at around the midpoint of the phase.

Alt 1) If player is out of detection range, Limon will utilize the Staff of Extreme Prejudice. Limon will fire 7 shotguns in a circle. You can move on after the 7th one, but beware of the Limon Elements!

2) Limon summons 8 turrets, four forming a small square and the other four forming a larger square. These turrets fire to create the square and eventually fire to form an X-shape. Limon stands in the middle, with a constant stream of fire at the closest player. Her range of aggression is anyone inside or near the small box. Her dexterity fluctuates, and during the time she fires rapidly is when she is vulnerable.

3) After the X-shape ends and as the turrets are firing their last shots before disappearing, Limon summons multiple Ice Sprites and Magic Sprites, while triple-shooting at a low dexterity. She is vulnerable during this entire phase and the phase gets shorter as Limon has less health. She also is armored.


Native Ice Sprite Native Ice Sprite
Native Magic Sprite Native Magic Sprite
Limon Element Limon Element

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Tips and Strategies

This dungeon can be easily soloed, even by a low level player. When you get to the boss platform, off-center your screen. After this, run into range of Limon to activate him then run out of range again. Tilt your screen so you can see Limon or his bullets. Limon will fire 7 circular barrages of bullets when you are out of range. After the 7th shot he will shoot out his turret boxes, this is the time to rush in. If you are a long ranged character such as a Wizard, Necro, Priest, Mystic or Sorcerer, you can stand in between the turrets without being hit. If you are a closer ranged class you can go inside the turrets but you will have to dodge Limon’s shots. Repeat this process as necessary, as if you are low level it might take a couple rounds to kill Limon. If you do get a drop make sure you wait for the white shots from the turrets to stop shooting, you can get pulled in by the floor and die almost instantly if you have a low def. Beware of Limon being paralyzed, as he will throw out a shotgun (same as when out of range) that does heavy damage on some phases.

Note : Limon seems to utilize the Extreme Prejudice when paralyzed, or when you move out of range. This may explain how the EP can be found here.
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