Bile of Oryx (Rev. 2)

Last updated: 11.1.0

As you should know, "bile" is made in your liver. However, this abomination is enchanted bile brought to life by Oryx's dark magic. After vomiting several times due to being roaringly drunker than usual, he wanted to make his regurgitated bile into a toxic pile of death.

Try to dodge his trail as it will slow you down and let other minions hurt you. It can also make your rush bad and you may not have enough time to get to Oryx and do soul bound damage.



HP: 3000
DEF: 80
EXP: 24
Location: Wine Cellar

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Does not attack


Moves around randomly leaving behind a trail of Purple Goo, which "slows" and "sickens" when stepped upon. Purple Goo slowly fades away.



Purple Goo

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Tips and Strategies

It is best to avoid it completely.
This thing will slow you, allowing tons of other Wine Cellar enemies to pile up on you. This is bad, because the Bile 'sickens' you, so you cannot heal, leading to a lot of unwanted damage.

If you are caught in the Bile, it's best to move slowly away in a straight line, while shooting at it and other enemies falling close behind. Hopefully people passing you will help draw their fire away as they're rushing to O2, laughing at you crawl away.

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