Oryx's Sanctuary Lore (Rev. 3)

This page contains excerpts from the Realm Remastered blog that describes backstory of the four Oryx’s Sanctuary minibosses. These were published in 2020, in anticipation of the dungeon’s release.

The four minibosses are referred to as Oryx’s Confidants.

Oryx’s rule has not been known to care for conventions of organized society like currency or pay, but this is not due to any personal resentment the Mad God holds. No, customs like these are perceived as a threat to his power. Never one to pay much mind to careful finances, Oryx sought outside expertise in his mission to collapse the realm’s formerly structured economy.

Treasurer Gemsbok, now a glorified hoarder, was once an opulent emperor in one of the realm’s many kingdoms of old. Most civilizations either dispersed or futilely fought back against Oryx’s uprising, but Gemsbok cruelly betrayed his people for a position of fiscal authority in the Mad God’s new rule.

Though he feigned legitimacy at first, Gemsbok was soon able to crush the remaining populations of the realm under Oryx’s so-called “taxes.” With nothing left to exercise power over, Gemsbok resides in a great vault of his ill-gotten gains. The treasurer may be stronger as a manipulator than a fighter, but you would be foolish to take this as a reason to underestimate him. Gemsbok’s cunning mind lends him more than a few tricks on the field of battle.


Being the chancellor of an ungoverned land, with a head of “government” who sees himself as absolute, Dammah has long been the invisible hand controlling the formations of their army and keeping order in Oryx’s empire.

He is the cold and controlling opposite of Oryx’s inflammatory character, but just as insidiously evil. He considers himself a creature of class, much better fit for leadership than fighting. This does not make him a weakling, however, as the many forces that have tried to usurp him and his master have molded him into a cunning foe.

Though his arrogance precedes him, the chancellor’s preferred means of combat are vicious. Dammah exhibits a mastery of magic, controlling portals with extreme precision to tear those in opposition to shreds. After all, personal engagement would get blood on his robes.


A master of the pure and the chaotic, Archbishop Leucoryx embodies the two-faced nature of Oryx’s reign. Unlike his peers, Leucoryx’s title is more than just fraudulent pomp. He was indeed an archbishop in one of the realm’s many religious sects before the Mad God overthrew such societal structures.

But his subject of worship was no righteous god. Leucoryx answered to an insatiable demon lord, devoting himself to enacting barbaric sacrifices and other atrocities. The archbishop became notorious as a claimer of lives, all the while his insidious propaganda formed a legion of shadowy followers.

It was Oryx himself who put a stop to this. In his time as a gladiator, the former champion slewed the demonic deity Leucoryx obeyed in a show of might. This caused no inner conflict for the archbishop, however, and he soon offered his life to Oryx in recognition of his superior strength. Never one to turn down abundant flattery, the Mad God enlisted him to influence the minds of his minions in a bid to strengthen their loyalty for all time.


Chief Beisa may be a high ranking ally of the Mad God now, but the oldest throughout the realm remember him in a more noble light. Long before Oryx’s corruption into the tyrant he is today, he and Beisa were simple sparring partners in the lost kingdom of the Shatters. The life of a royal gladiator was unrelenting and often eerily lonely for Oryx, but he nonetheless considered Beisa a friend in their mutual desire for power.

Though the accolades of Oryx preceded him, Beisa was an accomplished commander himself. As Oryx’s ego sent him in a catastrophic downward spiral, Beisa observed the descent with great interest. Yet even in his deepest fits of madness, it was Oryx who approached Beisa in the interest of cooperation. Loyal to power above all else, joining Oryx’s regime in a position of great leadership was an easy decision.

Beisa now stands as the most sane of Oryx’s four closest allies. His steady hand, competitive nature, and unrelenting training make both him and his forces among the realm’s most elite fighters. To disrupt the unparalleled coordination of his troops is a monumental challenge, one only the most adept and determined heroes may find possible. Those who panic in the face of his tactics will not live to try again.
