Golden Oryx Effigy (Rev. 1)

Last updated: 11.1.0

Having more gold than actual adventuring ability, a cowardly miser crafted the Golden Oryx Effigy so that he could pretend to insult and attack Oryx from the safety of his cave of treasures.

Angry that his image would be so disrespected, Oryx the Mad God imbued the Effigy with some of his dark power. The Effigy rampaged through the miser's compound, leaving malignant miasma in its wake. Those who survived the tumult were corrupted by that miasma and remade into minions of Oryx. With no more mortals to terrify, the Effigy claimed the cave as its territory, rooting itself to the cave floor. along with the treasure



HP: 25000
DEF: 30
EXP: 2500
Location: Cave of a Thousand Treasures

Counts to God Kills
Quest Boss

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Condition effects
Speed (tiles/sec)
Range (tiles)
Red Bomb


  • Guardian Phase In the first half of battle, the Golden Oryx Effigy spawns four Treasure Oryx Defenders and Ten Golden Planets. The Defenders will circle around the Effigy, and the Golden Planets will also circle at a wider radius. Both will be shooting bullets. While there are still Defenders, the Effigy will be invulnerable. When the Defenders have been destroyed, the Effigy will turn black and will be damageable. If enough damage is dealt, the battle will move on to the Bomb and Bullets Phase. Otherwise, the Effigy will turn gold, spawn 4 Guardians and be invulnerable again.
  • Bombs and Bullets Phase The Effigy will stay black through this whole phase. It will cycle between throwing bombs and firing bullets in a spiral pattern. The Effigy is able to heal for 200 while throwing bombs. The direction of the bullet spiral will change while it is being fired.


Treasure Oryx Defender
Gold Planet

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