Cheater Robe (Rev. 21)

Cheater Robe
Cheater Robe: Only cheaters wear this robe.

Tier: Untiered (Limited)
Stat Bonus: -100 HP
Feed Power: 300

This item was originally called the Water Dragon Silk Robe, and was a tiered drop from the Blue Dragon, found in the Lair of Draconis dungeon.
However, the entire Lair of Draconis dungeon, and its associated key and drops, were an accidental release, and were eventually patched, and all existing Dragon armors (Robes, Leather armors and Heavy armors) were turned into their respective “Cheater” armors.

The Cheater Robe was also handed out to everyone in a free 2013 April fools day package.

Despite this reducing your health to 0, a player will not die simply by having the robe equipped. However, getting hit by any shot (even those that deal no damage) while having 0 HP will cause the player to die.

An example of dying while having 0 HP from equipping a Cheater Robe.