Headless Horseman (Rev. 6)

HP: 10,000
DEF: 20
EXP: 700

Orange Pumpkin Blast
Orange Shot
Horseman Blast

The Headless Horseman is an uncommon encounter in the Godlands, serving as a mini-boss of sorts.
He begins by riding around in a fast circle while attacking. Once he receives enough damage, he will flash and remain still while attacking. He is intangible while flashing, and bullets will pass through him. Attack him once he begins to charge at the nearest player. The shotgun is deadly to new players as well as players without high defense(~20-30).
Once defeated, the Haunted Cemetery may drop.

Also note that calling out the Headless Horseman by saying “HORSE” in chat, might result in someone gifting you for calling it out. So be on the look out for one and always call it out.