Royal Sekhem (Rev. 1)

Royal Sekhem Interregnum Spellblade Large

Interregnum Spellblade Small
A flat gold blade set atop a wooden handle, wielded by Pharaohs that will one day ascend to divinity.

Tier UT
Effect(s) If Sunken Fire Opal Ring equipped: Fires 2 additional shots backwards every 0.4 seconds dealing 65-85 damage
If Faded Heart Scarab equipped: Fires 2 additional shots towards your cursor every 0.4 seconds dealing 70 damage
If Fractured Hannya equipped: Fires a burst of 6 additional shots towards your cursor every 0.8 seconds dealing 90 damage
XP Bonus 7%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 750
Dismantling Value 30 Rare Material / 40 Common Material

Interregnum Spellblade Large
Shots 1
Damage 80–100 (average: 90)
Projectile Speed 15 tiles/second
Lifetime 0.44 seconds
Range 6.6 tiles
Rate of Fire 100%

Interregnum Spellblade Small
Shots 1
Damage 60–70 (average: 65)
Projectile Speed 15 tiles/second
Lifetime 0.44 seconds
Range 6.6 tiles
Effect(s) Armor Piercing Ignores defense of target
Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Rate of Fire 100%