Mithril Sword (Rev. 8)

As of Build 117, this item is no longer in the game

Mithril Sword: An extremely sharp sword made from the strongest and most desirable of all metals.

Tier: 11
Damage: 120-160 (Average: 140)
Projectile Speed: 16
Range: 6.4

This sword no longer exists in the game. Its code was replaced with that of the Crystal Sword, which turned all existing Mithril Swords into Crystal Swords.

Retired Weapon - No longer dropped from Build 111 onwards

Added in Build 54, Mithril Sword’s range was a mistake. Original Projectile Speed was 16, with a 6.4 tile range.
In Build 111, the Mithril Sword stopped dropping from enemies and became untiered. The Skysplitter Sword was introduced and replaced it as the tier 11 sword.
In Build 117.1, the Mithril Sword was changed to the Crystal Sword.

Previous Drop Locations:

Oryx, Pentaract, Skull Shrine, and Cube God - Build 99 to 110
Archdemon Malphas - Build 79 to Build 99
Red Demon - Build 54 to Build 79

The Mithril Sword sprites and description frequently get reused as a resprite of the Crystal Sword around April Fools. The sword retains the functionality of the Crystal Sword, however.

During April Fools 2018, the description of the sword also said, “You should go to the Nexus and show everyone!” This may be a reference to a flash animation made by Khorde.