Staying Alive (Rev. 1)

Original article by MrLoaf

Intermediete Players

For an intermediate player ROTMG is not a walk in the park. Some dungeons pose very real danger and even gods pose an immediate threat. Many people at this level find themselves dying unnecessarily due to bad play or simply being unlucky. Hopefully this guide will help with that.

Your Life Is The Top Priority

Remember, Realm of the Mad God is a perma-death game. It doesn’t matter if you get a white bag and then die immediately afterwards. Any potential loot is not worth dying for. This also applies to other people: if you and someone else happen to be in dungeon together, don’t be afraid to bail on them. You would rather stay alive. Trust me.

Exercise Self Control

This is a big one. Probably 75% of my unpotted characters and farmers die this way. You should know your characters abilities as well as your own. Can you really do this Abyss with just two other people? Are you good enough to solo this Haunted Cemetery? With my characters today I always make 2 lists: dungeons this character can go into, and ones he can’t (learn more about the dungeons here). Although this isn’t an essential tactic I hope many people will make some use of this.

Learn Learn Learn!

“Know your enemy.” Those wise words make total sense, especially in Realm. Read up on the gods of the realm and try to memorize their patterns. You will naturally become better at this with practice but why not start now.