Golden Shard (Rev. 5)

Golden Shard Use with a special UT to give it a special effect.

Effect: Drag this shard on a Helm of the Juggernaut or Quiver of Thunder to change its appearance. The new shiny UT will spawn in a bag next to you.

Consumed with use.
Cannot be undone.

Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power: 100

Obtained Through Golden Shard Pack in the Shop

An item that allows you to add a different animation when you use your UT ability. Use with a special UT to give it a special effect. It is consumed with use and cannot be undone, so be sure if you want to use it.

If you use this item on the UT Helm of the Juggernaut it will grant an item called the Helm of the Juggernaut - Midas. The item’s appearance stays the same however with changed particle effects and a different name.