Fame Train (Rev. 2)

In RotMG, one of the most important aspects of gameplay is leveling. Everyone knows how difficult it is to level by yourself or in a small group. But there’s also another option- The fame train. (CHOO-CHOO!!!) What is an fame train you ask? It is a group of 15 or more people that attack every enemy in sight while traveling endlessly on the road. While it can get people to level 20 in an instant, there are some tips as to how to have a good fame train.

  1. The main train is found on the most crowded realm of server EUNorth2. It is often crowded and laggy, but if you’re patient, you can get into the realm and gain loads of XP in a short time.
  2. Ask not what the XP train can do for you, but what you can do for the XP train: Don’t be the one guy who doesn’t contribute to the train at all by not shooting. Always have autofire on. Also, if you see an enemy stuck in the trees, go kill it! Don’t wait for others to do your work.
  3. Stasis sucks: As a mystic, NEVER, I repeat, NEVER, stasis in a kill-train. It won’t save anyone’s life, it’ll just slow down the exp gain. Try to shoot the orb somewhere of which it will only Curse the enemy make it easier to kill. This takes practice, however, but if you get it right, you should be able to Curse (and not stasis) the enemy.
  4. Teleport: When you realize you’re at the back half of the train, feel free to teleport to the front! The front gains more XP than the back.
  5. Put it out there: Tell people that there’s an fame train in the server. The more people, the faster the XP gain. Use guild chat if you exclusively want your guildmates to join.
  6. Location: Most trains are in the god lands, but they can sometimes stray to the highlands. If you wish to get to an fame train quickly, simply zoom out the minimap completely and teleport to the largest clump of yellow dots closest to the center of the realm.
  7. The more the merrier. Godlands is a good place to start an fame train once you’re skilled enough to survive. The gods are great sources for XP, as they will always give at least one-tenth XP required to level up.
  8. The more the merrier; Get out there and organize an fame train. As long as you have 4 or 5 friends with you, get out there and start an fame train!
  9. If you are in a train, avoid being distracted by dungeons, because if too many people abandon the train by going into dungeons, then the train would be weakened.