Purple Drake Egg (Rev. 4)

Purple Drake Egg Purple Drake An egg that when used, hatches a Purple Drake to help you in battle for a short time.

Consumed with use
Feed Power: 35

Duration of Drake: 30 seconds
Effect: 35 DMG
Rate of Fire: Every 3 seconds


If the drake for the duration of its spawn attacks a single target, it will issue 350 DMG. Not a great amount in the modern game, so this really is only useful for lower end content nowadays, or as a vanity item.


The first type of drake egg added to the game, in Build 104 (Sep 2010), so Purple Drake holds the distinction of being the original ‘pet’ companion.

In Build 111 (Feb 2011) when the other types of drake egg were released, Purple Drake Egg was added alongside them to the Nexus at a cost of 400 fame. This cost was reduced to 190 fame at some point.

The item was removed from the shops in mid-2014, after functional pets had become established.