Rogue Class Guide (Rev. 5)

This page is currently a work in progress


One of the first classes in Realm of the Mad God, the Rogue is a solo-oriented dagger class with his ability providing invisibility for a decent duration. His UTs capitalize on this effect, either increasing his DPS or further bolstering his rushing capability.

Stat Analysis

The Rogue boasts a high SPD cap of 75 to increase his mobility, and an average 720 HP, 25 DEF and 40 VIT for survivability. However, while his DEX cap is at a high 75, his ATK cap is at a low 50, making Rogue’s DPS the lowest out of all the dagger classes. His low 252 MP and 50 WIS caps balance out the power of the ability, which is innately powerful in the right circumstances.

Equipment Choices


so true


so true


so true


so true

Strengths and Weaknesses


so true


so true